India-WRIS (India-Water Resources Information System) website. Retrieved October 9, 2021 from, Irrigation in Gujarat 2021–22. (2023). Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Jain, M., Dawa, D., Mehta, R....
URL (Accessed 18 September 2014): IPCC. (2007). Climate change 2007 impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, contribution of working group to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate...
A nugget-sill ratio of 75% reflects a weak spatial dependency; or else the dependency is considered moderate. Furthermore, all mappings in the present work were performed using kriging interpolation method in Arc GIS (version 10.3) software. Results and Discussion Descriptive Analysis of annual ...
We obtain the observed daily streamflow time series from the nationwide water resources information system (India-WRIS; The land-use pattern reveals an average ~ 16% (ranges from 3 to 33%) area under irrigations considering both surface and groundwater ...
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Almost all drains under Cluster 3, in both the pre and ongoing lockdown periods, are located along just two stretches of the Yamuna's course within the Delhi...
The synergistic application of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) can overcome these challenges as it is significantly useful in generating spatio-temporal information of both human settlement and natural environment, making them potent to study the human impact on the ...
not possible to say how these norms relate to those of other States, because these data are not available in any report nor on the websites of other State FDAs (where such websites exist). There is no information available to explain how the workforce planning norms of the Maharashtra ...
The Brahmani river is the important and the second largest river network of the Odisha state, India and it is in the state of vulnerable condition during heavy flood in the river. Frequent embankment failures are common features in its delta region, since the homogenous flood embankments along ...
Dams are built on rivers for diverse purposes, where the most are associated with Multi-purpose river valley projects. The river water is blocked to use it for domestic purposes, irrigation, industries, navigation, and hydroelectricity. Above all, most o
In the present study, we analyze a field-based seven-year data series of surface mass-balance measurements collected during 2011/12 to 2017/18 on Naradu Glacier, western Himalaya, India. The average annual specific mass balance for the said period is