000 acres of marsh into useful salable land. The still functioning canal system, now managed by Indian River Farms Water Control District, continues to drain much of Indian River County and the City of Vero Beach allowing for a thriving economic community here on the Treasure Coast of Florida....
Avulsion threshold and planform dynamics of the Kosi River in north Bihar (India) and Nepal: A GIS framework. Geomorphology 216, 157–170 (2014). 25. Blumberg, D. et al. The 2004 Sumatra Tsunami event: Contribution of SRTM data to the analysis of devastation. The Shuttle Radar Topography...
Figure 1.Location map of the Damanganga river basin and topography obtained from different DEMs. 2.2. Data Collection The required data for the present study, including DEMs, gauge and discharge data, and the Land-Use Land-Cover (LULC) map, were collected from various government organizations....
4225 43rd Ave, Vero Beach, FL. 32967 (772) 567-2154MAP Statement of Function The Emergency Services District's mission is to protect lives, the environment and property by providing prompt, skillful and cost effective fire protection and life safety services. The District is responsible for fir...
The Indian Sub-Continent is one of the most densely populated regions of the world, hosting ∼23% of the global population within only ∼3% of the world's land area. It encompasses some of the world's largest fluvial systems in the world (River Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus Basins), ...
the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC-AUC), accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score. The key performance metrics and map validation demonstrated that the B-RF model (correlation coefficient: 0.988, mean absolute error: 0.010, root mean square error: 0.058, relative abso...
Mia MM, Sarkar MSI, Khan MAA, Hassan N (2021) Monitoring of Water Chemistry in Salt Marsh Area along Karnafully River Coast, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Int J Res Eng Technol 6(2):1–12 Google Scholar Miththapala S (2013) Tidal flats, vol 5. IUCN, Colombo Google Scholar Mok J (2019...
The main purpose of this study is: (1) to prepare the multi-temporal landslide inventory map using geospatial platforms in the data-scarce environment; (2) to evaluate the landslide susceptibility map using weights of evidence (WoE) method in the Geographical Information System (GIS) environment ...
river system or GBM delta. The Indian Sundarban is bounded by Dampier-Hodges line in the north, river Hugli in the west, roughly Ichhamati-Raimangal-Harinbhanga river system of Indo-Bangladesh international boundary in the east and Bay of Bengal in the south. Up to the end of fifteenth ...
A GIS-based environmental health information system was developed [49] to identify the geographical distribution and variation in diseases, to correlate spatial and temporal trends in disease and air pollution and to map population at risk. They assessed the air quality index (AQI) and excess risk...