由于db是异步发现的,因此需要缓存Promise-wrapped(例如const dbPromise = ...),而不是原始的db。然...
value = ""; } function showUpdateForm(id) { const transaction = db.transaction(["myObjectStore"], "readwrite"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore("myObjectStore"); const request = objectStore.get(id); request.onsuccess = (event) => { const data = event.target.result; if (...
(for the sake of Node), we rely on supplying an additional non-WebSQL-standard callback argument toWebSQLtransactionorreadTransactioncalls in ournode-websqlfork to allow it to prolong the transaction (to last through our IndexedDB transaction) and to provide rollback functionality. (See#296,...
For the browser scripts, if the browser already natively supports IndexedDB and is not known to be buggy, then the script won't do anything. Otherwise, assuming WebSQL is available, the script will add theIndexedDB APIto the browser (unless you use one of the non-invasive files, in whic...
前面我们提到过,IndexedDB基于事务数据库模型构建。 程序代码将单个事务视为IndexedDBTransaction对象。 大部分操作都是基于事务上下文执行,可以在发生故障时回滚。 数据库映射 程序为了跟踪所有打开的数据库,将通过数据库索引(origin与数据库名构成)映射存储指向相应IndexedDBDatabase对象的原始指针。 数据库映射作为database...
Cookies、Local Storage、Session Storage、WebSQL 和 IndexedDB
{ db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql( "create table if not exists goods(id integer primary key autoincrement,name text not null,price double)", [], function(tx, result) { log('创建表成功'); }, function(tx, error) { log('创建表失败' + error.message); }); }); } //...
16. When the transaction is in ___ state, new requests can be made against it.Active Inactive Committing FinishedAnswer: A) ActiveExplanation:When the transaction is in an active state, new requests can be made against it.Discuss this Question 17...
Note: The .noConflict method is not necessary when using AMD or CommonJS, thus it is not exposed in those environments. JSON js-cookie provides unobtrusive JSON storage for cookies. When creating a cookie you can pass an Array or Object Literal instead of a string in the value. If you ...
Transactionsare defined as having anactiveflag that is set when the transaction is created, and when an IDB event callback from a source associated with that transaction is run. Theactiveflag is cleared when the task completes i.e. when control returns from script; for example, at the end ...