database_->TransactionFinished(mode_,false); [11]// RemoveTransaction will delete |this|.// Note: During force-close situations, the connection can be destroyed during// the |IndexedDBDatabase::TransactionFinished| callif(connection_) connection_->RemoveTransaction(id_); } IndexedDBDatabase::T...
// Do something when all the data is added to the database.transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {console.log("All done!");};transaction.onerror = function(event) {// Don't forget to handle errors!};var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("customers");customerData.forEach(function(cu...
// In the following line, you should include the prefixes of implementations you want to test.window.indexedDB=window.indexedDB||window.mozIndexedDB||window.webkitIndexedDB||window.msIndexedDB;// DON'T use "var indexedDB = ..." if you're not in a function.// Moreover, you may need ...
transaction接收两个参数,第一个参数是一个数组,数组中是这个trans中将会处理的ObjectStores,第二个参数是处理的模式。 有了transaction之后,我们可以监听事务的complete和error操作,然后就可以进行add操作了: //Do something when all the data is added to the database.transaction.oncomplete =function(event) { c...
IndexedDB是自带transaction的,所有的数据库操作都会绑定到特定的事务上,并且这些事务是自动提交了,IndexedDB并不支持手动提交事务。 IndexedDB API大部分都是异步的,在使用异步方法的时候,API不会立马返回要查询的数据,而是返回一个callback。 异步API的本质是向数据库发送一个操作请求,当操作完成的时候,会收到一个DO...
the same email, so use a unique index.objectStore.createIndex("email","email",{unique:true});// Use transaction oncomplete to make sure the objectStore creation is// finished before adding data into it.objectStore.transaction.oncomplete=function(event){// Store values in the newly created ...
在IndexedDB中,当数据库版本发生变化时,会触发onupgradeneeded事件。在该事件中,我们可以执行一些数据库结构的变更操作,例如创建新的对象存储空间或索引。 要在onupgradeneeded触发时等待IndexedDB打开,可以使用Promise对象来实现异步操作的同步化。以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 function openDatabase() { ...
to squint to see the improvement, and only for the smaller database sizes. This makes sense, since explicit commits can only shave a bit of time off the end of each transaction. So, like relaxed durability, it has a bigger impact on multiple small transactions than one big transaction. ...
db.transaction() 'readwrite' 'readonly' After the transaction is opened, you can't use any of the previous methods we showed before, because those were shortcuts that encapsulate a transaction containing only one action. Instead, you do your actions using ...
(A transaction will be blocked if there is an open connection to the database and the other connection uses a lower version number.)The upgradeneeded event allows you to create database objects, such as object stores and indexes; it's triggered when you open a database with a higher ...