Index exceeds array dimensions. Index value 0... Learn more about simulink, simulation, data, workspace, time, excel, importing excel data
i am trying to find the skewness value of fft data by setting up the window of width 50 so that it calculates for each window to determine the highest peak(above threshold). I am doing this in Simulink where I directly give input to Matlab function block...
ifVet(k)>Vet(j) k=j; end j=j+1; end ifi~=k temp=Vet(i); Vet(i)=Vet(k); Vet(k)=temp; end Vet_ord=vet; end end the warning is : index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1. Error in ordina (line 6) ...
Error: Index exceeds array dimensions. Index... Learn more about matlab, matlab coder, array dimensions
arrayString1 = str2double(app.S1);%Converts the ordinary array to a double app.S1EditField.Value = arrayString1;%Print Signal 1 value S1Time = arrayString1(counter);%This is where the index exceeds dimensions error comes up app.realGraph = plot(app.RealTimeAxes,timeData, arrayString...
I suspect the trouble lies with 'data333'. It may not have as many as 12 columns. If not, the lines "c=(1/(d^2))*data333(j,col);" and "x=data333(i,col) - (raa * b);" would be accessing non-existent data in 'data333'. To check this ask for size(data333) after it ...
I keep running into the same error for my functions. The error and functions (uniquan.m and sampandquant.m) are shown below: >> Exsample Indexexceeds the number of array elements (4). Errorin uniquan (line 19) q_out=q_level(qindex);% use index vector to generate output ...
Why do i get the error "Index exceeds... Learn more about error index exceeds matrix dimension
A = rand(1,4) ;% 1x4 array A(1)% no error ans = 0.5853 A(end)% no error, it will extract last element ans = 0.4302 A(5)% error, as there is no 5th element. Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 4. ...
Hi, Thanks a lot for releasing this! I've a quick question: I'm trying to run the file dmpc_soft_bound2.m, but I get this error: Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1). Error in ReachedGoal (line 4) differ = squeeze...