这个错误信息 "index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. index must not exceed 4." 表明在尝试访问数组的一个元素时,使用的索引超出了数组的有效范围。具体来说,数组的最大索引是4(意味着数组有5个元素,索引从0到4),但尝试访问的索引可能是5或者更大的值。下面我将根据提供的tips逐一分析并给出建议: 分...
这个BUG是说你读取该矩阵不应该超过它的行数。 打断点试一下,发现确实超出了811行(就本人程序而言)。 修改到遍历矩阵合适的值即可。
% But when I input the file with only two variables (WC and WB) or with only one variable (WC), I get the error "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1)." All the variables (WCM,WBM...etc) are supposed to be of size 10 x 86400. and NumWC,...
When I run this program I get an error by line 44 saying "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1000." Can somebody please explain to me what this error means and how to fix it? M=1000; dx=.02;
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Try clearing your workspace before running your script. It looks like you may have created a variable that is taking precedence over the zeros functinon. 테마복사 zeros=[]; dsp_workspace Index in position 1 ...
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 2 (line 33) r2=stateserror(i+1,1:3); All I am trying to do is getting it to run the graph I attached everything I have maybe somebody can help me. Code clc; ...
co_ordinates(i,1) = Y_Coordinates(Rowindices_1(i,1)+1:Rowindices_1(i+1)-1,1) end Error: Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds N_elements(1) = C(1,1); Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Other MathWorks country sites...
Hi, I got an error "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 3733)" when I am trying to run this script data = load('xxx.txt'); y = data(2900:5500,2) [ycorrect, baseline] = bf(y,5,'confirm'); d = 2; ...
Code(l*2-1)=liccode(findc(1)+kmin-1); Code(l*2)=' '; %输出最大相关图像 l=l+1;endfigure(10),imshow(dw),title (['车牌号码:', Code],'Color','r');出错了,错误是Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds.Error in Untitledcar (line 190) SubBw2(i,j)=SegBw2(i,j)-SamBw2...
打开软件出现这个错误Index was outside the bounds of the array,可以尝试如下方法解决:1、打开电脑之后,然后快速按F8按键,点击最后一次正确的配置。2、然后紧接着就需要选择安全模式,按回车进入。3、然后就会弹出出现如下对话框,点击是。4、回到桌面之后,点击开始中的所有程序,打开电脑控制面板。5...