Colonists in the 1600s used indentured servants for labor. What is an indentured servant? An indentured servant is a man or woman who signed an indenture, or contract, where they agree to work for a disclosed amount of time in exchange for a better life. The indentured servant defin...
They and their families are expendable indentured servants on a rock enrobed in perpetual darkness. FromSalon To me, indentured wealth feels like something that should be disbanded. FromLos Angeles Times That option obviously doesn't exist in the middle of the ocean — or, for that matter, ev...
Learn about the history and life of indentured servants in Jamestown. Explain why indentured servants were needed, what they did, and why they...
made good on their contract and walked away with good supplies and goodwill, perhaps turning all of that into a livelihood that even accommodated the former servant's becoming the master. However, as more and settlers claimed more and more land, the need for indentured servants, at least on ...
Sharon has an Masters of Science in Mathematics and a Masters in Education Use this lesson plan to teach your students about indentured servants. Students will watch a video detailing what indentured servants were, reasons for having them, and what life was like for them. Deepen understanding wit...