John Howland was a teenager in 1620 when he sailed to America as an indentured servant. His story and the Mayflower’s dramatic voyage from Plymouth is vividly brought to life by writer and illustrator P.J. Lynch. It shows a young, honest perspective to a pivotal moment in American history...
an indentured servant. Mistress A woman well skilled in anything, or having the mastery over it Slave (figuratively) An abject person. Mistress A woman regarded with love and devotion; a sweetheart Slave (figuratively) One who has no power of resistance (to something), one who surrenders to...
To preserve order in a community or an assembly Order in the court! Indent Notch the edge of or make jagged Order (countable) A command. Give an order His inability to follow orders Indent Bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant; An indentured servant Order (cou...
Is TY your indentured servant? Are you able to read and research? Links were provided above and google is a great search engine. Use it and don’t rely on someone else to feed your mind. Geoengineering watch dot org. Reply January 24, 2017 at 2:00 PM Hi Anna, a book “What In th...
an indentured servant. Pet To stroke or caress gently. Slave (figuratively) An abject person. Pet To stroke or fondle amorously. Slave (figuratively) One who has no power of resistance (to something), one who surrenders to or is under the domination (of something). A slave to passion, ...