The number of pixels an image can have on Mastodon currently is2073600.1(Derived from "Full HD", 1920*1080, but you can have other aspect ratios.) edit: I wasn't aware the PR went through already. So if you're on Mastodon 4.2+, the number is 8294400. ...
Again, this is Steli at Close. Call me back at [phone number] this week and let’s see what we can do to light your Q4 on fire. Build a Future-Proof Follow-Up Strategy for Your Sales Team While sales may adapt and change over time, follow-ups are one piece of the puzzle that i...
Furthermore, if the Kurds are rewarded with a UN resolution that grants an official recognition to the State of Turkish Kurdistan, it’d trigger a chain of events in the entire Middle East that’d ultimately lead to the disintegration of a number of nations, since each ethnic minority would ...
The subjects were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group, and assigned a number to ensure anonymity. The training of the experimental group lasted 12 weeks with training sessions on the modified pull-up held three tines per week. Pretests and post-tests were given...
As a company continues to grow, sales forecasts evolve from investment-pullers to indicators of the organisation’s overall health. Even Wall Street measures the success of a company by how easily it meets quarterly sales forecasts. Generating revenues that are lesser than the forecasted number is...
They do a number of nerdy things to help improve those scores that come up in the speed reports. The one I use and recommend is PerfMatters. This plug-in performs VERY well while itself being lightweight. In the video above (on this post), I’ll show you the insides of PerfMatters. ...
Mark took a deep breath, pushed the T-bar up almost as far as his arms could reach, and began the first of 7 000 pull-ups needed to reach the top. High above, Peter let out a cheer, “You are on your way. ” Seven years before, at the age of twenty-one, he had fallen whil...
You can find the guide in our docs folder and it also reference a number of blog posts written with additional information on contributing to projects like ours. Thank you for considering supporting this open source project for humanitarian support....
I visit the vari- ous websites selling and advertising machines and notice that they usually have listed in the specifications the types of spin- dles that the machines have installed. They are always listed as a code number, such as A2-6 or A2-8. This has me wondering how the ...
(total cholesterol, fasting triglycerides, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), blood pressure, frequency of hypoglycemia incidents, frequency of hyperglycemia incidents, the number of purchases of prescribed diabetes medications, frequency of visits for laboratory testing, the number of appointments at...