Is it possible to reduce the size of the legend and at the same time increase the size of the subplots. Please help me. My code is as follows: ThemeCopy Z = readtable('Trail.xlsx') ; data = table2array(Z) ; subplot(4,3,1) plot(data(:,1), dat...
Open in MATLAB Online Hello, I would like to increase the length (not linewidth) of the line inside the legend. Does anyone has an idea? Thanks you. t = [0:0.1:2*pi] a = sin(t); b = cos(t); plot(t,a,t,b,'linewidth',3) ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi, I am making a tiled layout plot of a time series from 1998-2019 and would like the x-axis to have a tick mark and label for each year on ax1 and ax3. I've tried using xticks command but keep getting error messages. See code below...
Allows to define a minimum size for each cluster, distance type (as supported by Matlab pdist) and the number of clusters which are allowed to have less than the minimum size. pddp - Perform PDDP (principal direction divisive clustering) on input data. This implementation always selects the ...
Analyses were performed with SPSS 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and in MATLAB R2017b (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA), exploratory mediation analyses using MATLAB’s VBA toolbox44. HLM analyses used Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom. Significance level was set to ...
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Owing to its interactions with the traversed medium, the kinetic energy of the primary particle decreases along its path and, hence, the radiation quality changes....
To change the size of the objects in your plot you can use the “set” function to change the “position” property of the legend and axes objects returned by the “legend” and “subplot” functions respectively.