Forscatter, the legend will always have the same size, while forplotthe size is the same as what you see in the axis. cmap = colormap(cool(10)); holdon forn=1:size(cmap,1) sz=n*2; plot(sz, sz,'d','MarkerFaceColor',cmap(n,:),'MarkerEdgeColor', cmap(n,:),... ...
通过调用‘boxplot’和‘patch’命令,绘制初始带缺口的分组填充箱线图。 b1=boxplot(group1,'positions',p1,'Colors','k','Notch','on','Widths',0.7,'Symbol','o');b2=boxplot(group2,'positions',p2,'Colors','k','Notch','on','Widths',0.7,'Symbol','o');boxobj=findobj(gca,'Tag','Box...
I wanted to make the marker size of scatter plot larger and the token size of the contour symbol in legend smaller, so I used the following code: ThemeCopy x=1:20; a=rand(20,20); figure; hold on scatter(3,4) contour(x,x,a) h=legend('sp','cp'); h.ItemTokenSize ...
2、绘制特定的曲线 x = 1:10;y = rand(1,length(x));y1 = rand(1,length(x));figureplot(x,y,'r',x,y1,'b--','LineWidth',2);l1 = legend('y','y1','location','best');set(l1,'Fontname', '宋体','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',24)xlabel('x','Fontname', '宋体','FontW...
legend('sin(x)','sin(2x)','sin(0.5x)') grid on 3.图形保持 \bullethold on/off \bullethold e.g. 用图形保持功能绘制两个同心圆 t = linspace(0,2*pi,100); x = sin(t); y = cos(t); plot(x, y, 'b') hold on; plot(2*x, 2*y, 'r--') ...
(2) %下面为画图,把离散的数据点和线性回归拟合出来的直线画出来 xfit = [x(1):0.1:x(end)]; % xfit为拟合线的x坐标范围 yfit = fit(1)*xfit + fit(2); % a是fit(1),b是fit(2) plot(x,y,'ro',xfit,yfit); set(gca,'FontSize',14); legend('data points','best-fit','Location',...
legend(p); Instead, if I try to get both outputs of the legend with a polyshape, the symbol of the polyshape disappears: p=plot(polyshape([0 0 1 1],[1 0 0 1])); [h,objh]=legend(p); How can I still see/visualise the symbol of the polyshape, when I ne...
legend('sin(x)','cos(x)','Sigmoid','Gauss function');% 添加图例 使用title()和*label()为图片增加标题和标签 x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin(x); y2 = exp(-x); plot(x, y1, '--*', x, y2, ':o'); xlabel('t = 0 to 2\pi'); ...
legend() 图例 1.add legend to graph legend('L1',...) 1.position adjustment 位置调节 例如: x=0:0.05:4*pi; y=sin(x); h=cos(x); w=1./(1+exp(-x)); g=(1/(2*pi*2)^0.5).*exp((-1.*(x-2*pi).^2)./(2*2^2)); plot...
set(gca,'FontName','Helvetica','FontSize',14,'LineWidth',1,'FontWeight','bold'); xlim([05]) %直接在word里插入符号一个mu,不用管字体,粘贴到此处(legend and label)即可 % for symbol variable in legend and label, % for symbol variable,we only need copy and paste a symbol for word, ...