Thankfully, you don’t have to be a comedian in order to pull off a humorous email. What’s more important is that you understand your email recipientsintimately. If you know their likes and dislikes, it will be so much easier to pull off a joke or insert a tongue-in-cheek reference....
Email open rate is a performance metric that indicatesthe percentage of email recipients that opened your email. To calculate open rates, you need to divide the number of email opens by the number of delivered emails and multiply that ratio by 100. It’s one of the most important metrics us...
Email open rate refers to the percentage of email recipients who opened a particular email message, out of the total number of recipients who received the email. It is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of email campaigns and the engagement of the target audience. Email open rates are...
While it started slow, you’re finally seeing an uptick in your email subscribers. Great! But here’s the catch: a hike in subscriber count can easily slash (or stagnate) your open rates, leaving you scrambling for answers on how to increase my email open rate? Even the most seasoned cr...
Social media may be popular but email marketing is still one of the most effective tools available today. The only downside is this: are your emails actually opened? Fortunately, this can be overcome with an effective strategy. Here are three tips to help increase the open rate of your email...
The email open rate is of great concern to EDM marketers as well as one of the most crucial metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of their marketing. When an email is delivered, we care more about the follow-up conversion, which is the ultimate goal of email marketing. Ideally, recipients...
Email open rates are one of the most accurate ways of measuring the progress of your sales team. Not only do they provide data on engagement, they also provide salespeople with a catalyst for following up and converting a prospect to a customer. From a managerial standpoint, open rates for ...
In this video, Internet Marketer Ashley shares five tips for how to increase email open rate. Transcript: Did you know that 100% of email users have an email account? Mind-blowing email statistic. In all seriousness, people around the world use email. If you want to learn how to ...
Unique opens: The number of individual people who opened the email Plug these metrics into this open rate formula: Email Open Rate = Unique Opens / (Emails Sent - Emails Bounced) x 100 For example, let’s say you sent a marketing email to 1,000 people, 100 of them didn't get deliver...
Email open rates range between 15% and 30% (average) across several industries, according to Mailchimp benchmark reports. A good open rate increases business success chances including a good return on investment. It also does this; Increases click-through ...