chapter20 Income Inequality and Poverty?实物转移支付?生命的经济周期?暂时收入与持久收入实物转移支付以物品与劳务形式而不是以现金形式给予穷人的转移支付称为实物转移支付 Income Inequality and Poverty Chapter 20 收入分配 不平等的衡量 The Distribution of Income in the U.S. . . . lined up all of the...
"Income Inequality and Poverty." National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 6770.Martin Feldstein (1998), "Income inequality and poverty", NBER Working Paper No. W6770, October 1998.FELDSTEIN, M. (1998): "Income Inequality and Poverty," Tech. Rep. WP- 6770, NBER, Cambridge....
Income inequality refers to how unevenly income is distributed throughout a population. The less equal the distribution, the greater the income inequality. Income inequality is often accompanied bywealthinequality, which is the uneven distribution of wealth. Populations can be divided up in different w...
While many studies indicate that a revenue-neutral carbon tax might worsen income inequality and potentially increase poverty rates, China has not yet adopted a carbon tax policy (Hu et al., 2021). China chose to implement a carbon ETS rather than a carbon tax because the former can better ...
Income inequality, unemployment, and poverty in Nigeria: A vector autoregressive approach. Policy Reform, 7 (3), 175–183.Akinbobola, T. O. y M. O. O. Saibu, "Income Inequality, Unemployment, and Poverty in Nigeria: a Vector Autoregressive Approach", Policy Reform, vol. 7, no. 3, ...
The global community has been confronted with rising income inequality, in particular, for those least developed countries (LDCs), since the same level of inequality as in advanced countries would push many LDCs into abject poverty. This paper focuses on income inequality in developing countries, pa...
This paper studies the role of income inequality in the importing country as a determinant of export unit value and product quality estimated employing inf
Did the economic crisis affect income inequality and poverty in Germany? SOEP-based analyses, 2002-2009 Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), income inequality and poverty in Germany from 2002 to 2009, i. e. economic well-being of different social groups in front of and...
Control of corruption increases renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption. • Reducing income inequality and corruption is key for hastening renewable energy transition. Abstract This study examines the impact of corruption, income inequality, and redistribution on energy consumption (renewable, nonrenew...
health inequality;health care;low income;nonlow income;injured inpatient 1. Introduction Measuring health inequalities requires information about individual-level health and socioeconomic status. Some studies use individual-level information to explore the degree of inequality and the causal relationship betwe...