Recommended statistics Overview Poverty Income InequalityKey insights Number of children in the U.S. living under the poverty line Poverty rate in the U.S. Poverty rate among Black/African Americans in the U.S. Get more insights Report on the topic Top Seller Explore this report Rel...
International Statistical ReviewN. T. Longford. Statistical Studies of Income, Poverty and Inequality in Europe Computing and Graphics in R Using EU-SILC. Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4665-6832-7. [p329]...
Here’sa chartfrom Professor Vincent Geloso looking at data from 1870 to 1910. It shows what happened to inequality in various nations on the vertical axis (as measured by income share of the top 1 percent) and average income (as measured by per-capita income for the bottom 90 percent). ...
The latest round of macroeconomic figures released by ISTAT, Italy's National Statistics Institute, show that average family income was up by 1.8 percent to 29,988 euros (35,300 U.S. dollars) per year and purchasing power up by 1.7 percent last year compared to two years earlier. Median ...
It indicates that the impact of inequality increasing poverty is a somewhat greater than that of growth in average income in reducing rural poverty. These results vary at the provincial level.Pakistan poverty and inequality statistics were studied for the first time in terms of pro poor growth ...
Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other essentials beyond income for a minimum standard of living.
The FPL is used to determine eligibility for certain federal and state assistance programs, such as housing vouchers, Medicaid, and CHIP. The FPL is different from the poverty threshold, which defines poverty and provides statistics on the number of people living under such conditions in the U....
Using the five waves of the China Household Income Project surveys conducted during 1988–2013, we investigate long-term changes in national income inequality and rural poverty in China. National income inequality rose markedly to 2007 and thereafter fell slightly. Income growth was widely shared, bu...
The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is the main source of information about poverty and economic inequality in the member states of the European Union. The sample sizes of its annual national surveys are sufficient for reliable estimation at the national level ...
The Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) serves as the data source for official income, poverty, and inequality statistics in the United States. There is a concern that the rise in nonresponse to earnings questions could deteriorate data quality and distort ...