And the wage disparity in the U.S. between executive and employee is growing. At the fast food chain McDonald’s, a worker often makes minimum wage or a little bit more. The CEO makes 580 times that, or almost $9 million a year. The wealth gap is no more apparent than when you l...
US Income Inequality Statistics (Editor’s Choice): Income Inequality in the United States: The Wealth GapIncome Inequality In America: Demographic DisparityWhy is income inequality a problem?Inequality Statistics: Wealth Inequality by StatePoverty and Wage StagnationThe Big Five: the Top 1% of the ...
Overthepast50years,USworkershavecometoexpectemployerstopayforsomepart ofemployeehealthinsurance;manyconsiderthisanimportantpartofoverallcompensation. However,recenteconomictrendshaveresultedinagrowingdisparityinhealthcarecoverage andaffordability.AstudybytheMcKinseyGlobalInstitute(MGI)identiedthreedivergent ...
income disparityBACKGROUNDIncome disparities in US youth in academic achievement appear to widen during the summer because of discontinued learning among children from lower-income households. Little is known about whether behavioral risk factors for childhood obesity, such as diet and physical activity,...
In 2015, the top 1 percent of families in the United States made more than 25 times what families in the bottom 99 percent did, according to a paper from the Economic Policy Institute. This trend, which has picked up post Great Recession, is a reversal of what was seen during and after...
Code is available in the following GitHub repository: References Cohen, A. J. et al. Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the global burden of diseases...
Expanding upon this body of literature, we define “AI catch-up” as the ability of an AI-impoverished country to diminish the disparity in its AI capabilities vis-à-vis an AI-leading country. Previous literature on technological capabilities underscores their significance in supporting developmental...
When converted to US dollars, the “high” income level in China is about similar to a salary of $30,000 to $80,000. A “high” salary in China may not have the samepurchasingpower as the same income in another country, as seen by this disparity. ...
Objective This study applied the vulnerability framework and examined the combined effect of race and income on health insurance coverage in the US. Data source The household component of the US Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) of 2017 was used for the study. Study design Logistic regre...
The disparity in smoking prevalence was even greater when compared to higher-income groups (Wang et al., 2018). Nationally, although smoking prevalence has decreased among all income groups, the greatest declines have been among higher-income groups (Drope et al., 2018; Agaku et al., 2019)...