contributetoincomedisparity intheUnitedStates Recenttrendsinhealthcarecosts,healthcarecoverage,and householdincomehavecontributedtogrowingdisparitiesbetween differentincomegroupsintheUnitedStates. ByronG.Auguste,MarthaLaboissière, andLennyT.Mendonca MARCH2009 ...
And the wage disparity in the U.S. between executive and employee is growing. At the fast food chain McDonald’s, a worker often makes minimum wage or a little bit more. The CEO makes 580 times that, or almost $9 million a year. The wealth gap is no more apparent than when you l...
Slavery in the United States has a direct relation to current income inequality. There is a cross-state relationship between the Gini coefficient of land inequality in 1860 and the Gini coefficient of income inequality in 2000. The relationship is strong, underlying the impact of past slave use ...
in the functionally integrated extent of economic space.; The spatial statistical analysis reveals that the patterns of regional income disparities have indeed changed in the two countries during the 1970s, but the post 1970s regional disparity trajectories are far from a simple reversal of the ...
US Income Inequality Statistics (Editor’s Choice): Income Inequality in the United States: The Wealth GapIncome Inequality In America: Demographic DisparityWhy is income inequality a problem?Inequality Statistics: Wealth Inequality by StatePoverty and Wage StagnationThe Big Five: the Top 1% of the ...
In 2015, the top 1 percent of families in the United States made more than 25 times what families in the bottom 99 percent did, according to a paper from the Economic Policy Institute. This trend, which has picked up post Great Recession, is a reversal of what was seen during and after...
income disparity 听听怎么读 英[ˈinkəm dɪˈspærɪti:] 美[ˈɪnˌkʌm dɪˈspærɪti] 是什么意思 释义 收入差距; 学习怎么用 权威例句 Economic Growth and Income Inequality A New Data Set Measuring Income Inequality...
in the functionally integrated extent of economic space.; The spatial statistical analysis reveals that the patterns of regional income disparities have indeed changed in the two countries during the 1970s, but the post 1970s regional disparity trajectories are far from a simple reversal of the ...
Abstract Importance Income disparity between persons with the most resources (the top 20% of earners) and the remainder of the population in the United States has dramatically widened over the past few decades. Given the well-established association between income and health, this increasing income ...
Policymakers should target insurance coverage for the most vulnerable subpopulation, i.e., those who have low income and poor health as well as are racial/ethnic minorities. 展开 关键词: Race Ethnicity Disparity Health insurance DOI: 10.1186/s12939-021-01436-z 年份: 2021 ...