The new era of remote work brings with it the challenges of managing highly diverse global teams. Do you know how to create inclusion abroad?WorkplaceMay 26, 2021 Understanding the Effects of Discrimination in the Workplace Discrimination in the workplace affects employees' perceptions of organizati...
2021). Exceptional talent brings forth the latest knowledge, skills, and creativity that are crucial for survival and growth in a rapidly evolving market environment (Agrawal and Matsa 2013; Paillé et al. 2014). They possess the ability to effectively address challenges, enhance work efficiency, ...
Challenges and change: Oxygen for change towards social inclusiveness? Purpose: Acknowledging the importance of work–family practices that extend beyond what is legally mandated and that cover the needs of a diverse workforce... L Sleep,P Sawrikar - School of Human Services and Social Work, Gri...
The 2022 EY US Generation Survey: Addressing diverse workplace preferences The findings of the 2022 EY US Generation Survey uncovered unique preferences and similarities across company culture; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). 10 Oct 2022 Six ways to advance disability inclusion in your or...
ecological systems (e.g., in food chains) allows for resilience and stability (Polis,1998). Biggs et al. (2015) integrated diversity and other resilience-related principles into a wider institutional framework for socio-ecological systems and maintenance of ecosystem services under future challenges....
Based on their backgrounds and identities, everyone faces different levels of structural and systemic advantages and disadvantages that impact access to resources, perception and evaluation, and sense of belonging in and out of the workplace. At EY, we have a specific commitment to advancing social...
Contextualizing macro-level identities and constructing inclusiveness through teasing and self-mockery: A view from the intercultural workplace in Japan Humor generated through teasing and self-mockery can be both dividing and unifying: It signals intimacy and constructs inclusiveness through playful banter...
In response to Pardeck and Meinert 's critique of the scholarly attainments of the members of the Social Work editorial board, the authors defend the worthy journal's editors and explain the criteria for selecting individuals to serve on the board. The authors also describe the NASW Press's...
Our new research in collaboration with the New York University School of Law’s Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging explores three models for multinational companies striving to advance LGBT+ inclusion in their workplaces. 24 Jun 2019Trent Henry+2 ...
It also induces discrimination in the workplace (Ozeren 2014), through which homosexual employees endure labelling (Gates and Viggiani 2014), fewer occupational opportunities (Sears and Mallory 2014) and lower job satisfaction (Drydakis 2014). Furthermore, risks of HIV infection in this population ...