Inclusive education in Japan and its role in international cooperation: analysis of a project for children with disabilities in MongoliaOpen access Published: 11 January 2024 Volume 25, pages 229–242, (2024) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...
The pilot implementation of inclusive education in Malaysia : a review : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of P... Inclusive education was introduced into the Malaysian school system as a pilot scheme in 1994, involving a small number of elementary sc...
Inclusive education: Beliefs and practices of middle school personnel.作者为Linscott, Deborah Jan Vaughn.,于1995发表的Special education.;Secondary education.;Educational administration.类Ed.D.论文。
(PhD thesis). University of Pretoria: Pretoria. Google Scholar Sambo AM, Gambo MB (2015) Administration of inclusive education in Nigerian schools: Issues and implementation strategies. National Journal of Inclusive Education, 3(1): 107–115. Google Scholar Sansome EJ (2016) “Building ...
Educational inclusion and exclusionCANADASwitzerlandThis paper reveals that the implementation of inclusive education is an unfinished challenge,both within the system and for individual self-improvement.This process of changing practices,by continually questioning the school's responsibility for the(re)...
IwouldliketothankmostsincerelytheMinistryofEducationinZambia,Centrefor CurriculumDevelopment,ZambiaAgencyforPersonswithDisabilities,othergovernment departmentsandalltherespondentsthattookpartinthestudy.Isaluteyouallforthetime youspenttorespondandtohelpmewithdataforthisstudy. MasausoChirwa Email:chirwamas@gmail ...
cqvip:利用Cite Space Ⅴ对2009-2018年International Journal of Inclusive Education的载文进行关键词和文献共被引的可视化分析,发现近10年来国际融合教育的研究热点包括融合教育教师教育与发展、处境不利地区融合教育的困境、社会情绪能力的发展与社会融合,以及社区融合与幼儿参与。相关研究前沿聚焦于融合学校效能的实践研究...
Schools, scripture and secularisation: a Christian theological argument for the incorporation of sacred texts within Australian public education This thesis concerns the purpose of education, and the role of Scriptures therein, centred on the Australian Curriculum. Through ACARA's (Australian Curriculum,...
Eaton v Brant Country Board of Education[1997] 1 SCR; paras 66‒67.For more analysis of this case, seeC Ngwena ‘Disabled people and the search for equality in the workplace: An appraisal of equality models from a comparative perspective’ LLD Thesis, University of the Free State (2010)...
Spaces for inclusive instruction in the sense of Universal Design depend on the existence of different activity zones. Children with disabilities need retreat areas as well as activity zones and areas for contact and social development. A Master’s thesis from the Department of Education of the Uni...