Our Inclusion & Diversity strategy We are committed to helping all our people thrive, which includes advancing inclusion and diversity for all genders; people of different races and ethnicities; persons with disabilities; neurodivergent individuals; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer...
Diversity and inclusion(多元化和包容性) 热度: 混合工作:符合多元性、公平性和包容性策略++Hybrid+work_+Making+it+fit++with+your+diversity,+equity,++and+inclusion+strategy 热度: 如何创建一个重视公平和多样性的包容性工作场所+How+to+Create+an+Inclusive+Workplace+That+Values+Equity+and+Diversity ...
Diversity & Inclusion initiative become a buzz word and this momentum has gradually become an upsurge around the world. China is also keeping up with the pace. On July 19, 2021, the Ministry of science and technol...
For one of the sessions, residents were assigned to present on topics related to the broad themes of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the context of medical physics, radiation oncology, or medical oncology. As in other journal club sessions, residents were responsible for...
Fostering belonging for our people, advancing inclusive research and health equity for all patients, and investing in transformative partnerships that strengthen D&I across healthcare, education and within all communities. Topics Diversity & Inclusion ...
Understand how to make your team and your marketing more diverse, equitable and inclusive, plus learn more about Sprout’s approach to DEI. Featured Categories Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Employee Advocacy Why diversity in marketing and social media is non-negotiable Published on January 17...
The terms “diversity and inclusion” are so often used together that it’s easy to think that they mean the same thing. However, diversity and inclusion are distinct concepts, and they are not interchangeable. It’s possible for an environment to be diverse but not inclusive. Conversely, the...
Diversity, and inclusion are active topics of discussion in the creative community, and have been for many years. But it’s safe to say that, before June of this year, there was much more talk than action. Data we collected from agency leaders in Q4 of 2019 showed that just 56 percent...
of Vice President and above positions globally are female 79% of promotions globally were earned by women Fiscal 2024 U.S. Racial Diversity2,4 59% of our workforce in the U.S. is people of color3, 4 37% of people in managerial positions in the U.S are people of color1, 3, 4 ...
The History of Gender and Gender in Theory This week, we cover a range of topics on gender including the evolution of ideas about gender, the history of gender in the U.S. workplace, and key theories of gender from the 1970s to the present. WEEK 3 The History of Sexuality and Sexuali...