基于stm32hal库写的ina226程序 此程序是基于stm32hal库开发的用于INA226芯片的控制程序。 能实现对INA226芯片相关参数的读取与配置等功能。程序初始化了STM32与INA226通信所需的SPI或I2C接口。对INA226芯片的寄存器地址进行了明确的定义。通过配置函数设定INA226的测量模式,如连续测量。程序具备读取INA226芯片电压测量...
I2C_HandleTypeDef *I2CHandler, uint16_t DevAddress);#endifina226.c/**@brief STM32 HAL Library...
#include < string.h > #include "mm32_device.h" #include "hal_conf.h" #define CFG_REG 0x00 // #define SV_REG 0x01 //分流电压,分流电阻为0.1欧姆 #define BV_REG 0x02 //总线电压 #define PWR_REG 0x03 //电源功率 #define CUR_REG 0x04 //电流 #define CAL_REG 0x05 //校准,设定满...
STM32HAL库硬件I2C驱动INA226保姆级教程废话不多说直接上代码ina226.h/**@brief STM32 HAL Library forINA226 Current/Power Monitor@date Feb 2016@version 1.0@author George Christidis@detailsThis library contains the necessary functions to initialize, readandwr ...
增加基于STM32 HAL库的模拟IIC支持 4年前 readme.MD update readme 4年前 ti_ina226_sensor_v1.c 适配sensor框架 (#1) 5个月前 ti_ina226_sensor_v1.h 适配sensor框架 (#1) 5个月前 README Apache-2.0 INA226 简介 INA226 是一款分流/功率监视器, 具有 I2C™或SMBUS 兼容接口。 该器件 监视分流...
Maybe the lag was caused by my overhead (STM32 HAL layer), or caused by INA226, I am not sure, I will investigate more and see. Up+1TrueDown Mitch M3 年多前in reply toNick Hileu TI__Mastermind23350points Hey Nick, Ok, good to know. Thanks for updating the...
校准INA226的步骤如下:1. 首先,确保您的硬件连接正确,包括INA226与微控制器的SPI通信接口、Shunt电阻...
INA226 Driver for STM32 This repository provides a basic firmware driver for theINA226power monitor IC, written for STM32 microcontrollers. Usage In the code below you can find the basic initialization of the the INA226 handle struct and how to get the basic measurements like current, power ...
设计思路之前从公众号看到一篇关于1.5V碱性电池充电的文章,再加上家里小孩玩玩具超级费电,这次刚好收到GD32F427开发板,加上之前买的INA226单路电流电压检测模块,就想着做一个数控电池充电 新星之火121382023-01-31 16:20:26 STM32HAL库硬件I2C如何驱动INA226保姆级?