The impact of NVivo in qualitative research: Perspectives from graduate studentsdoi:10.37074/jalt.2023.6.2.17Limna, PongsakornJournal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)
Using NVIVO in Qualitative Research (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 From getting started to completing your research project, this book provides a practical guide to using QSR NUD*IST NVivo, the latest qualitative software package. Written in clea...
A number of computer software packages has been developed to mechanise this `coding’ process as well as to search and retrieve data. This paper illustrates the ways in which NVivo can be used in the qualitative data analysis process. The basic features and primary tools of NVivo which ...
Each in-vivo and descriptive code was copied into a Microsoft Word document organized by three categories of experiences. The research team chose codes that were mentioned most frequently. Then in the second stage of coding, codes were refined based on the interview data and discussions amongst ...
The first and second phases of coding were conducted using NVivo software, while the third phase of coding and synthesis was conducted in Microsoft Excel. The process of analysis was continuous, and findings were constructed as pieces of data were gathered to reflect specific lines of inquiry. ...
Applying the Nvivo12 Plus qualitative analysis method, 182 free nodes were obtained by three-level coding, 31 primary nodes were formed after analogy, and 11 secondary nodes were deduced inductively. Finally, five core genera of tertiary nodes were identified (see Table 3). Table 3 Summary of...
coding by the lead researcher (Green et al., 2007). Discussion of tentative codes with the full research team was used to verify inter-subjective validity, leading to subsequent rounds of recoding. Final coding and categorisation produced three key themes related to scaling and sustainability: i)...
allowing for the emergence of novel themes. The insights and themes generated from the initial coding also informed our interview protocol, which was subsequently adjusted. During the early phase of analysis, we used an open coding method and relied on in vivo codes to categorize the incidents or...
Coding strategy The first part of our study focuses on underlying motivations behind corporate offset investment behavior to address the first research question, and we have chosen to do a qualitative study using the content analysis. Content analysis is a common method used in qualitative analysis,...
However, for many functions of the brain such as sensory processing or memory plasticity, the important coding might be represented within the neuronal population rather than the individual cell. In animal models, recent developments in the field of in vivo imaging tools have allowed neuroscientists ...