As many of us tend to use black as a synonym for “cool”, automobile companies, luxury product sellers, and sports companies often gravitate towards black. Examples of brands that use black on social media Nike, Chanel, Calvin Klein. Here’s how Chanel uses black to give limelight to its...
Therefore, synonym-based multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data remains a very challenging problem. In this paper, for the first time, we propose an effective approach to solve the problem of synonym-based multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data. We make contributions ...
These ontologies are obtained from the analysis of data sources, searching for: (i) valid numerical ranges (using clustering techniques), (ii) different scales, (iii) synonym transformations based on known dictionaries and (iv) typographical errors. To test the method, experiments were carried out...
lowingcommand:SQL>SELECTROUND(SYSDATE-promo_begin_date,0)FROMpromotionsWHERE(SYSDATE-promo_begin_date)/365>2;PROMOTIONSisthepublicsynonymforthepublicdatabaselinkforthePROMOTIONStable.Whatistheoutcome?() A.anerrorbecausetheROUNDfunctionspecifiedisinvalid B.anerrorbecausetheWHEREconditionspecifiedisinvalid C.num...
"Synonyms.netis a good place to go for a simple synonym search... it has a term for the day and a front page with trending words. Mostly, I like the design; the colors are nice and mellow, which is a relief after hours of staring at a screen." ...
“quadrant” as a synonym foran ensemble of approaches to research. Philosophers of science would interpret “quadrant” as a synonym forparadigm of methodical knowing or research. In planning literature published in Chinese language, “quadrant” in this context is translated as范式(paradigm) [e.g...
for that word. I recently wrote for an anthology with the theme ofEscape, and it had to be set in the Pacific Northwest. I set my story in Olympia, Washington, in the area I grew up in. With my setting established, I went online and looked up every synonym for the word “escape....
As with previous versions, you can use this library to: Create and manage search indexes, data sources, indexers, skillsets, and synonym maps Load and manage search documents in an index Execute queries, all without having to deal with the details of HTTP and JSON ...
What is the synonym of Satisfy Synonym of Satisfy is Accomplish, Answer, Appease, Assuage, assure, be enough, be sufficient, cater, come up to, Complete, comply with, Content, convince, Delight, do, Fill, give satisfaction, gratify, Honour, Humour, induce, indulge, live up to, Meet, mol...
and placedL. truncatusas a synonym of this species83,84. Furthermore, Haas synonymized the majority of nominalLamellidenstaxa under the nameL. testudinarius84. However, this concept was largely ignored by subsequent researchers1,2,57. The assigment of these nominal taxa to certain species is...