(=a great disaster that might happen)A year ago, few people were talking about such a doomsday scenario.verbsimagine a scenarioIt is difficult to imagine a scenario in which the company will give this information freely.consider a scenario(=think about what might happen)The government has ...
It's like scripted, programmed, plotted, organized or madeThe original meaning of '짜여지다' is 'woven(pp for weave)'and '짜여지다' is a passive form of '짜다'.Examples for '짜다':옷감을 짜다(weave cloth) 각본을 짜다(write(plot) a scenario) ...
This, in turn, caused an increase in the amount of the red ignore (light red), meaning that part of the red users ignored the message and did not share it. Figure 6b for 0.7-homophily presents similar results, but in which unanimity of opinion in the red group does not exist in ...
The meaning of UNTHINKABLE is not capable of being grasped by the mind. How to use unthinkable in a sentence.
PAGE PAGE 1 1389国开电大本科《管理英语4》历年期末考试(第三大题阅读选择题题库 (分学期版) 2021年7月试题及答案 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 Passage 1 If theres one word that captures the essence of what is occurring in the world ...
the troops were throw the tropic sun glared the trouble-makers the true meaning of l the true story of lil the truehearted reins the truth always wins the truth came out the truth of the king the turn of a friendl the twelve minor prop the twenty-seventh st the twilight rivulet the tw...
In what ways can you relate to this story? Please let me know by commenting below. Uncategorized life,meaning,metaphor,, Let Your Imagination Run Free View image|gettyimages.com As adults we typically consider imagination child’s play. We shoot a placating smile to a child when they speak...
a This scenario represents a further reduction from both fuel switching and technological improvement. This scenario suggests that based on the situation under the second scenario in which a reduction amount could be achieved by altering fuel mix for ammonia production step by step (as explained in...
People had been in limbo well before the 1950s, of course. Limbo was originally a place rather than a dance – the borders of Hell, no less. That limbo derived from the Latin ‘limbus’, meaning edge. Medieval Christian belief had it that only those who were baptized into the Christian ...
In this sense, when there is concern about the efficiency of what is being communicated, the building may be consolidated, becoming subject to preservation over time as architectural heritage. In this scenario, it will overcome the barrier of time, meaning that its innovation was so important for...