So that’s where the university paved the actual sidewalks.It makes perfect sense! The sidewalks were exactly where people actually walked.The HTML5 new semantic elements were based on that exact same logic (see the W3C design guidance to “Pave the Cowpaths”)....
Innate immune sensing of cell death in disease and therapeutics Article 02 September 2024 References Burnet, F. M. S. The Clonal Selection Theory of Acquired Immunity (Vanderbilt University Press, 1959). Janeway, C. A. Jr. Approaching the asymptote? Evolution and revolution in immunology. Col...
In spite of recent progress, there are still knowledge gaps on how the different lung cell types function during regeneration and whether there are any unknown cell types. In this study, we used scRNA-seq to analyze the consequences of epithelial cell type-specific depletion through inducible expr...
Adolescent depression is becoming one of the major public health concerns, because of its increased prevalence and risk of significant functional impairment and suicidality. Clinical depression commonly emerges in adolescence; therefore, the prevention a
Moreover, the coverage of the In2S3 layer was found to be effective for stabilization against degradation induced by photocorrosion of the CdS layer. Bias-free water splitting with a power conversion efficiency of 0.28% was achieved by using a simple two-electrode cell consisting of the Pt/In...
Surface segregation constitutes an efficient approach to enhance the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity of the bimetallic PtxNiy nanoalloys. Herein, we propose a new strategy by utilizing the small gas molecule of H2 as the structure directing agent (SDA) to in-situ induce Pt surf...
Many types of human cells self-destruct to maintain biological homeostasis and defend the body against pathogenic substances. This process, called regulated cell death (RCD), is important for various biological activities, including the clearance of aber
FUNG may have increased cell proliferation via changes to phos- phates including dusp9 (JUN-CDKN2A signaling), ppp1ca (INS1-hRAS), ptpn, and ppp2cb; and the kinase and ptpra (Src tyrosine kinase signaling). Contrastingly, FUNG could have also decreased cell proliferation via decreased ighmbp...
Pseudotime developmental stages of single cells in advSCs, SFRP4-SCs, SFRP2-SCs, TNF-SCs, C7-SCs, MRCs and FDCs (g) or in SMC subclusters, PCs, TRCs, AGT-SCs, MRCs and FDCs (h). Dark winding lines in the cell objects indicate putative developmental trajectories. Cell regions are ...
The role of these species on the viability of normal and tumour cell lines was investigated. Although the degree of sensitivity to H2O2 is cell-type dependent, we show that H2O2 alone cannot account for the toxicity of He plasma. Indeed, NO2−, but not NO3−, acts in synergy with ...