APA格式指的是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association,简称APA)出版的《美国心理协会刊物准则》。APA主要用于心理、教育及社会科学等学科。APA格式的in-text citation在括号内标注作者姓氏+发表年份:A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2005).若作者姓名在文章中已被提及...
The phrase “et al.” is used with in-text citations (includingAPA parenthetical citations) only when referencing a source that hasthree or more authors.Include the name of only the first author’s last name plus “et al.” in every citation. ...
相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA论文格式更加严谨,更加常用。 文学类论文通常使用MLA格式。 MLA格式使用非常简短in-text citation标注,在括号中标注作者的姓+页码即可:Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). 如果正文中已经出现过作者名,括号中则只需标注...
Usage of “et al.” in an in-text citation When providing a citation for a source with four or more authors, the following format is used in Harvard style: (Surname of the first authoret al., Year of publication) Example: “Continuous flow LVAS rely on pressure gradients between the...
InINinAPATexttextApaTEXTapa 系统标签: apatextcitecitation文本authors APA Style APA Style In Text Citations In Text Citations One Work by One Author One Work by One Author Walker (2000) compared reaction times Walker (2000) compared reaction times In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, ...
How To Cite A Book In Apa In Text
APA DOCUMENTATION STYLE: IN-TEXT CITATIONS APA DOCUMENTATION relies on a combination of in-text citations and a reference list at the end of the paper. In-text citations include some combination of the author’s last name, the date of publication, and (if citing a direct quote) page ...
Whenparaphrasing another work, you only need to cite the author and year of publication in your in-text citation. It may be a good idea to include the page number as well if the paraphrased information is located on a specific page of the original text. APA guidelines encourage this inclus...
To cite a report in APA style, it’s helpful to know basic information including the author/organization, the publication year, the title, the publisher, and/or the URL. The templates and examples below are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition....
Textbooks that have three or more authors can be cited in-text using the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” and the publication date in parentheses: Marieb et al. (2018) How to cite the Bible in APA format There are APA format rules for citing scriptures and other religio...