You can plan your synchronization instances based on service requirements. Values: one2one: one-to-one. one2many: one-to-many. many2one: many-to-one. Default value: one2one Enumerated values: one2one one2many many2one support_ddl_info String DDLs to be synchronized. Values: CREATE_...
The following example is a more efficient use of summarize because there can be multiple distinct instances of a sender address sending email to the same recipient address. Such combinations are less distinct and are likely to have duplicates. Kusto Copy EmailEvents | where Timestamp > ago(1h...
The Different Feeling Qualities.—At least six (some writers say even more) distinct and qualitatively different feeling states are easily distinguished. These are: pleasure, pain; desire, repugnance; interest, apathy. Pleasure and pain, and desire and repugnance, are directly opposite or antagonistic...
A synonym is simply a word that means the same as the other word in question. These words may not always mean the same as the original word, but they can be closely related to it. It comes from the Greek words “syn” and “onym,” which mean “together” and “name,” respectively...
Bot Framework Composer makes it easy to collect and validate many data types, and handle instances when users input is invalid or unrecognized data.PrerequisitesFamiliarity with dialogs, triggers and language generation. Install Composer.Run the sample bot...
But how would we express “match instances of Foo whose bar attribute is 3″? We can start by solving the more general problem of how do we match against multiple patterns? Here’s our first combinator: 1 2 3 4 def match_every(*patterns: Pattern) -> Pattern: # ... the implementation...
The matrons in some instances were of European origin: the two lock hospitals in the town of Madras—Vepery and Black Town—each had a European matron.Footnote 29 The matron’s duties were to keep close surveillance over the inmates, to be present during the examination of women in the lo...
A high level of lexical similarity exists between German and Dutch, but shifts in meaning of words with a shared etymology have in some instances resulted in 'bi-directional false friends':German Dutch EnglishSee meer lakeMeer zee seaGerman Dutch Englishmögen houden van like, lovedürfen mogen...
Bot Framework Composer makes it easy to collect and validate many data types, and handle instances when users input is invalid or unrecognized data. Prerequisites Familiarity withdialogs,triggersandlanguage generation. Install Composer. Run the sample bot ...