There are two instances where Edgar Allan Poe used the imagery of skeletons in the closet to drive a point home in his prose. In his piece called “The Black Cat” from 1845, he recounts the way a character dispelled the suspicions of others regarding his wife’s mysterious death. Seeming...
This is important, as if some participants (based on individual or group characteristics) benefit more from an intervention than others, this can lead to outcome inequities. In some instances, these inequities can be created through intervention participation, as the outcome of interest does not ...
(=important and worth mentioning)Some places contain a huge variety of animal and plant life. The two most notable examples are tropical forests and coral reefs.a graphic example(=very clear and full of unpleasant details)The film is full of graphic examples of what can go wrong if the ...
Look into the mission statement of many an ad agency, and you’ll find some kind of happy talk about “serving our clients.” In many instances, this boils down to demoting your business model from Consultant to Vendor. Now, maybe you see this as a non-issue. I’ve heard more than ...
持续交付 数据集成 数据管理 Azure Data Lake 数据库移动操作 演示数据 验证包操作 部署 开发和自定义 开发和自定义主页 应用程序堆栈和服务器体系结构 获取评估副本 注册预览订阅 部署和访问开发环境 X++ 应用程序生命周期管理 使用Azure 构建自动化系统
Everyday life is rife with instances that, when observed with a keen eye, can create humor in the mundane and add a touch of amusement to our daily routines. Irony is a literary device where the chosen words are intentionally used to indicate a meaning other than the literal one. Irony ...
Paragraph 4: But in some instances, the payoffs can be even greater. Two have already been mentioned: cooperative hunting and defensive groups. Social hunting is likely to evolve where prey is too large to be taken by individuals operating alone. To capture wildebeest some members of a group...
In some instances, intersex individuals grow up without ever having known about the medical procedures they underwent as children. Others report being told that surgery was necessary only to find out later that this was not the case. Evidence is increasingly showing the harms of these surgeries ...
some instances of chorusing involve whales producing codas with different ICIs (or different numbers of clicks) but matched durations. Together, these observations suggest that past inventories of discrete coda types (e.g., ref.35) might specifically be interpretable in terms of two features: a ...
In specie transfers or transactions may involve either physical orfinancial assets. Companies or individuals may transfer ownership of land, equipment, or inventory in their actual forms rather than paying another party in cash. In some instances, financial assets such as stocks, bonds,warrants, or...