In Search of Lost Time, Modern Library(共6册),这套丛书还有 《Time Regained》《Within a Budding Grove》《The Guermantes Way》《Sodom and Gomorrah》《The Captive & The Fugitive》。 喜欢读"In Search of Lost Time"的人也喜欢 ··· Don Quixote 9.5 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ...
In Search of Lost Time, Penguin Modern Classics(共6册),这套丛书还有 《In Search of Lost Time》《In Search of Lost Time 6: Finding Time Again (PMC)》《The Guermantes Way in Search of Lost Time 3》《The Prisoner and The Fugitive》《Sodom and Gomorrah》。 喜欢读"In Search of Lost Tim...
Books: Book of a Lifetime ; in Search of Lost Time Marcel ProustNiffenegger, Audrey
Marcel Proust - In Search Of Lost Time - Volume VII (Time Regained) - 1927 热度: 相关推荐 OVERTURE3 COMBRAY37 SWANNINLOVE144 PLACE-NAMES:THENAME293 *** Swann'sWay OVERTURE FORalongtimeIusedtogotobedearly.Sometimes,whenIhadputoutmycandle,myeyeswouldclose soquicklythatIhadnoteventimetosay...
In an unfinished novel, Jean Santeuil (not published until 1952), he laid some of the groundwork for In Search of Lost Time , and in Against Sainte-Beuve , written in 1908–9, he stated as his aesthetic credo: “A book is the product of a different self from the one we manifest ...
It’s time to read a great book and get lost in another world—but where do you start? Here are some suggestions (建议) to pick a great book. Ask librarians (图书管理员)! They are cool book brains (大脑)! If you tell a librarian what you like and dislike, they will suggest ...
BOOK OF A LIFETIME: The Promise of Future Revelation ; IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME MARCEL PROUST 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者: L Appignanesi 摘要: I first started to read it when I thought the name had an "ow" in it. No one in my Canadian high school had taught us to ...
leather wrapped around cardboard, with the year stamped in gold. The pages have gilt edges, rather faded now. Another nice little detail is the green and yellow headbands. There is an elastic that has lost its stretchiness, and a loop for a small pencil. The notebook measures about 3 x...
Hello, my lovely bookish friends, Spring is (almost) in the air, and with it comes a fresh set of Dark Cottagecore Bookstagram templates to help you share your reading adventures. March is a time of transition—the lingering chill of winter meets the first hints of blooming life, and thi...
Fiction:(A tie)The Book of Lost Things, by John Connolly Stardust, by Neil Gaiman Nonfiction:Dog Man: An Uncommon Life on a Faraway Mountain, by Martha Sherrill Memoir:A Wolf at the Table, by Augusten Burroughs Shortlisted Books City of Thieves, by David Benioff ...