In Search of Lost Time的创作者· ··· 马塞尔·普鲁斯特作者 原文摘录 ···(全部) 其实这个世界是不真实的,至少是不可认识的,因为我们看到的世界永远受到我们自身的情欲的歪曲。世界不是一个,而是成千上万;“每天清晨有多少双眼睛睁开,有多少人的意识苏醒过来”,便有多少个世界。因此,要紧的不是生活在这...
《In Search of Lost Time》是The Modern Library出版的图书,作者是Marcel Proust 内容简介 In Swann’s Way, the themes of Proust’s masterpiece are introduced, and the narrator’s childhood in Paris and Combray is recalled, most memorably in the evocation of the famous maternal good-night kiss...
双语: 《追忆似水年华》节选 In Search of Lost Time By Marcel Proust [法]马塞尔·普鲁斯特 We believe that we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires — 人们以为能够顺随心意地改变周遭事物。 we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. 如若不能,我们便...
In Search of Lost Time [volumes 1 to 7] by Marcel Proust,A to Z Classics 星级: 874 页 In Search of Lost Time_ The Complete Collection by Marcel Proust 星级: 873 页 追忆似水年华-英文版第二卷 In Search of Lost Time, Vol. II Within a Budding Grove - Marcel Proust 星级: 1246 页...
作者:Marcel Proust 出版社名称:Penguin Classics 出版时间:2003 语种:英文 商品尺寸:12.9 x 19.8 cm 包装:平装 页数:496-640页/册x 3册 In Search of Lost Time《追忆逝水年华》是法国著名作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特写于19世纪末年的小说,以第1人称讲述故事,折射出临近巨大的变革与转折点时刻的法国社会,是反映旧时代...
作者 Marcel Proust著 出版社 Penguin 出版时间 2003年10月 第1版 ISBN 9780141180342 定价 68.00 内容简介 Sincetheoriginal,prewartranslationtherehasbeennocompletelynewrenderingoftheFrenchoriginalintoEnglish.Thistranslationbringstotheforeamoresharplyengaged,comicandlucidProust.INSEARCHOFLOSTTIMEisoneofthe...
Time Regained Finding Time Again(重现的时光) 剧情 第一卷 《追忆似水年华》以第一人称描写,叙述者马塞尔患有重度失眠症,经常处于半睡半醒的状态,开始回忆起童年时在贡布雷的生活。男主人翁年幼时的体弱多病,敏感异常,有一年夏天晚上,邻居斯万先生,没有斯万夫人奥黛特陪同,来看望叙述者的父母。叙述者睡前等不到母...
in a whole lifetime. These were the events which took place in the book I was reading. It is true that the people concerned in them were not what Françoise would have called 'real people.' But none of the feelings which the joys or misfortunes of a 'real' person awaken in us can...
But I can see also that they would bring into my existence, at an age when one begins to value tranquillity, a great loss of time, great inconvenience. I ask myself whether you are worth all the pains that I should have to take with you, and I have not the pleasure of knowing you...