a犹太教(Judaism)是世界三大一神信仰中,最早而且最古老的宗教,也是犹太民族的生活方式及信仰。犹太教的主要诫命与教义,来自托拉.托广义上指上帝启示给以色列人的真义,亦指上帝启示给人类教导与指引 Judaism (Judaism) is in the world three big god beliefs, most early moreover most ancient religion, also is...
Religious Witness In JudaismComments on the duty to witness to faith in Judaism. Conditioning of expression given in any religious tradition to witness; Conception of religious universality in Judaism; Role of religious witness in Judaism.Bokser, Ben Zion...
Throughout Jewish history, religious tradition has had a dialectical relationship with violence. Judaism is neither more nor less violent than any other religion. In this essay, however, we offer a comprehensive and integrated survey of the components of Jewish ethos and mythos relating to violence...
Numerous studies have been done of the religious affiliations, beliefs, and practices of the Millennial generation (North Americans born between 1980 and 1995). Many of these studies assume that their findings will be useful to denominations and congregations wishing to attract more young people. Bu...
2013 December – World Union for Progressive Judaism “Fully Endorses” the Seventy Years Declaration (SYD) 2013 December – Facebook Discussion (3 to 11 Dec. 2013) on a Nov. 2013 University of Toronto Event 2013 December – Yiddish Roulette? One Resigns in Bloomington, Another Rides In from...
The aim of this study was to identify death-related traditional and religious practices performed in a Western province in Turkey where most of the people emigrated from other parts of the country. We are interested in addressing the question of what are the traditional and religious practices ...
This article argues for the utility of teaching midrash when introducing Judaism in interreligious education programmes, based on the author's experiences with the interreligious course at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey. Midrash illuminates many aspects of Jewish meaning‐making and provides students...
what are the most democratic positions of the public powers, especially the Judiciary, in the solution of such disputes: to try accommodate different religious views of the world or to adopt a secularized posture in the face of such conflicts, imposing standards of behavior and social relationship...
and inauthentic teaching and behavior. It has also moved beyond the geographic borders ofJudaism, as the dramatic sentence of the closing chapter announces: “And thus we came to Rome” (Acts 28:14). The later epistles of the New Testamentadmonishtheir readers to “guard what has been entrust...
III.ReligiouslibertyintheUS 1.GuaranteesofreligiouslibertyTheDeclarationofIndependence:Allmenarecreatedequal,thattheyareendowedbytheircreatorwithcertainunalienablerights.FirstAmendmenttotheConstitution 2.DefinitionofreligiouslibertyFreedomofconscience.Religiousliberty,aninalienableright.Righttopracticeanyornoreligion.IVMajor...