Religious and moral sensitivities have in the past limited united efforts to use religious organisations tackle HIV through programmes such as the distribution of condoms or discussion around safer sexual practices. But the shared practice of circumcision offers common ground for Islam and Judaism. Inon...
Jewish traditions but not everyone on our staff is Jewish. Our studio manager, Richa, explains some similarities between her religion, Hinduism, and Judaism. Watch our video to learn more about how she thinks Hinduism and Judaism compare in holidays, coming of age, purity and fasting practices....
It is true that many of these books are found in the Old Testament, but the Old Testament is only made up of parts of these books as a textual source. The Tanakh (Mikra) & Talmud offer guidance for the practices of Judaism and can be considered a compilation of sources that make up ...
There is some direct overlap as well. Meditative practices often draw on geometric motifs — as in the mandala above — and arithmetic relations. Many chants are built on combinatorial principles. More specifically, the last of the five jhana factors isekagatta, often translated as ‘one-pointed...
Syncretism, the assimilation and Judaic adaptation of elements and practices from other religions and cultures into Judaism has gone on since the beginning. Wherever there has been a conflict with essential Jewish beliefs and tenets, there was a robust Jewish ...
The interpretation of archaeological finds in light of Talmudic evidence has often resulted in simplistic, "one-to-one" correlations that distort our understanding of "Judaism" in Graeco-Roman Palestine. This is especially true of "stepped pools" and stone vessels which, when seen as markers of...
–“White Followership – Centering People of Color and Building Effective White Practices for Racial Justice & Systemic Change: Informed by current movements for racial justice led by people of color, this participant centered, action-oriented and reflective workshop will introduce and apply the whi...
As said above, theBookvitalized visionary imaginings of“out of body experi-ences,”which can be easily connected to Theosophical intentional practices of“astral projection,”or,asquotedabove,tothe“art of going out of the body.”56Asomewhat astonishing fact is Evans-Wentz’choice of a King-...
But Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, is at its core a religion of peace and tolerance. Like every religion, the acts of a few people don't necessarily reflect the beliefs and the behavior of the majority. Allah, Muslims believe, is the same God who spoke to Moses and sent Jesus to...
Judaism (known later as Be’te Israel) along with the Ark of the Covenant, per ‘Kibre Negest’ narrative, now said to be ensconced in a chapel in Axum. Christianity was proclaimed by Emperor Ezana in 330 A.D. In 615 A.D., early followers of Mohammad from Mecca were given asylum ...