HSNCodeTable_IN TaxAgent TaxBookTable TaxBookTaxCodes TaxBranch TaxCasualRegistration_IN TaxComponentTable_IN TaxElectronicCertificatesTable TaxElectronicHTTPServerTable TaxFringeVariationTable TaxGSTEWayBillTypes_IN TaxInformationCustTable_IN TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN ...
HSNCodeTable_IN TaxAgent TaxBookTable TaxBookTaxCodes TaxBranch TaxCasualRegistration_IN TaxComponentTable_IN TaxElectronicCertificatesTable TaxElectronicHTTPServerTable TaxFringeVariationTable TaxGSTEWayBillTypes_IN TaxInformationCustTable_IN TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN ...
The HSN code for Pvc Pipes and Fittings is the hexadecimal code of the product. The code is used to identify the product in an electronic system. It is made up of 6 digits, which are separated by a hyphen. The first two digits represent the manufacturer code and are used as a ...
World imports most of its HSN Code 84158191 from Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Globally, the top three importers of HSN Code 84158191 are Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. Philippines leads the world in HSN Code 84158191 imports with 453 shipments, followed by Vietnam with 249 shipments, ...
Within this period, in Jan 2024 alone, India imported 8 HSN Code 0105 shipments. This marks a year-on-year growth of 0% compared to Jan 2023, and a 8% sequential increase from Dec 2024. India imports most of its HSN Code 0105 from France, United States, and Canada. Globally, the ...
The first two digits of GSTIN will represent the state code according to Indian Census of 2011. Each state has a unique two digit code The next 10 digit of GSTIN will be the pan number of the tax payer (The GST code will be an alpha numeric number i.e first 1-9 and then A-...
Get all 6 digit and 8 digit codes and their GST Rates under HSN Code 2008 Fruits, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excluding prepared or preserved wi
chom.2011.09.004 (2011). 7. Lasonder, E. et al. The Plasmodium falciparum schizont phosphoproteome reveals extensive phosphatidylinositol and cAMP- protein kinase A signaling. Journal of proteome research 11, 5323–5337, doi: 10.1021/pr300557m (2012). 8. Pease, B. N. et al. Global ...
attributeHSNCodeTable_IN/(resolvedAttributes)/RecIdattribute is.CDM.entityVersion ParameterValueData typeExplanation versionNumber"1.1"stringsemantic version number of the entity is.application.releaseVersion ParameterValueData typeExplanation releaseVersion""stringsemantic version number ...
attribute HSNCodeTable_IN/(resolvedAttributes)/RecId attribute is.CDM.entityVersion Extindeți tabelul ParameterValueData typeExplanation versionNumber "1.1" string semantic version number of the entity is.application.releaseVersion Extindeți tabelul ParameterValueData typeExplanat...