HSNCodeTable_IN TaxAgent TaxBookTable TaxBookTaxCodes TaxBranch TaxCasualRegistration_IN TaxComponentTable_IN TaxElectronicCertificatesTable TaxElectronicHTTPServerTable TaxFringeVariationTable TaxGSTEWayBillTypes_IN TaxInformationCustTable_IN TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN ...
StatisticalSuffix Main/HSNCodeTable_IN Subheading Main/HSNCodeTable_IN Description Main/HSNCodeTable_IN DataAreaId Main/HSNCodeTable_IN Relationship_CompanyRelationshipId Main/HSNCodeTable_IN RecId First included in: Main/HSNCodeTable_IN (this entity) Properties Extindeți tabelul ...
World imports most of its HSN Code 84158191 from Indonesia, Thailand, and China. Globally, the top three importers of HSN Code 84158191 are Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. Philippines leads the world in HSN Code 84158191 imports with 453 shipments, followed by Vietnam with 249 shipments, ...
India imports most of its HSN Code 0105 from France, United States, and Canada. Globally, the top three importers of HSN Code 0105 are Ecuador, Afghanistan, and Serbia And Montenegro. Ecuador leads the world in HSN Code 0105 imports with 7,358 shipments, followed by Afghanistan with 7,075...
To know what the GST codes, HSN code and SAC codes, let us first learn what is GST. GST is a newly passed bill which calls for a common tax over the nation and just one single type of tax filtering ll the extra and indirect taxes. It will replace VAT, service tax and excise i...
ARTICLE Received 31 May 2013 | Accepted 2 Sep 2013 | Published 8 Oct 2013 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3531 Cell–cell adhesion genes CTNNA2 and CTNNA3 are tumour suppressors frequently mutated in laryngeal carcinomas Miriam Fanjul-Ferna´ndez1,*, V´ıctor Quesada1,*, Rube´n Cabanillas2, ...
Many cancer treatments are associated with serious side effects, while they often only benefit a subset of the patients. Therefore, there is an urgent clinical need for tools that can aid in selecting the right treatment at diagnosis. Here we introduce s
README.md Add erlang syntax highlighting Jun 15, 2013 rebar.config Initial commit Jan 21, 2013 Repository files navigation README MIT license Hsnif allows to write Erlang NIF libraries in Haskell. Intro Hsnif consists of two parts: Rebar plugin that compilates Haskell code to shared library Ha...
First included in: Main/HSNCodeTable_IN (this entity)Properties展开表 NameValue isPrimaryKey true dataFormat int64 isReadOnly trueTraitsList of traits for the RecId attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.integer is.dataFormat.big is.identifiedBy names a specifc identity attri...