window/Asset Store/ 搜索IngameDebugConsole,添加至我的资源,也就是免费购买,然后点“在Unity中打开” 把IngameDebugConsole从Asset目录拖到层级目录 APK启动后,看到右侧多了一个东西,有3个图标 点红色图标,就打开下面的界面了,看到了日志内容 打印一下安卓端的几个路径 相关的打印代码为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
ingamedebugconsole 原理 InGameDebugConsole 通常指的是在游戏内部集成的一个调试控制台,它允许开发者在游戏运行时输入和执行命令,从而进行调试、测试或修改游戏的行为。这样的控制台对于游戏开发者来说是非常有用的工具,尤其是在开发和测试阶段。 原理概述 输入接口:首先,游戏需要有一个界面或方式来接收用户的输入。
在Unity商城搜索“debug”就可以找到这款插件,类似的还有其他一些插件。这个插件体积小,更新也比较即时。 导入的内容在【Plugins/IngameDebugConsole】目录下。 插件使用 将【Plugins/IngameDebugConsole】目录下的【IngameDebugConsole】预制件添加到场景中即可,这是会在平米右边的中间出现一个小的提示图标。 运行以后,...
好在有两个好用的Unity插件,”In-game Debug Console“和”Runtime Inspector&Hierarchy“。 In-game Debug Console 按照字面意思很好理解这个插件,就是在项目运行中查看Console界面。 1.打开Asset Store,下载In-game Debug Console插件并将其导入所需要的项目中。 2.找到导入文件夹目录下的IngameDebugConsole的预制...
Use one of the DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( string command, string description, System.Action method ) variants:using UnityEngine; using IngameDebugConsole; public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( "destroy", "Destroys " + name, Destroy ); DebugLog...
Simply addIngameDebugConsole.ConsoleCustomTypeParserattribute to your functions. These functions must have the following signature:public static bool ParseFunction( string input, out object output ); usingUnityEngine;usingIngameDebugConsole;publicclassTestScript:MonoBehaviour{[ConsoleCustomTypeParser(typeof(Pe...
Assets Images Packages ProjectSettings .gitignore LICENSE Repository files navigation README MIT license IngameDebugConsole A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity 从IngameDebugConsole 拷贝过来的,加了一些自己需要的功能About...
@codingame/monaco-vscode-language-pack-zh-hant ⚠️The language pack should be imported and loaded BEFORE anything else from this library is loaded. Otherwise, some translations would be missing and an error would be displayed in the console.⚠️ ...
Any string can be used as // the identifier; it can have meaning to the app, such as "Game_Leve1_CouchAnchor," or it can be a GUID that is generated // by the app. // void SampleSpatialAnchorHelper::LoadFromAnchorStore() { // If access is denied, 'anchorStore' will not be ...
Game Addiction Prevention FAQs Sign-in Signature Verification FAQs Others Technical Support Appendix Integrating the HMS Core SDK into Your Eclipse Project Paid Apps Service Introduction Development Process SDK Version Change History Getting Started App Development Authenticating ...