Use one of the DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( string command, string description, System.Action method ) variants: using UnityEngine; using IngameDebugConsole; public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( "destroy", "Destroys " + name, Destroy ); DebugLog...
A command is basically a function that can be called from the console via the command input field. This function can be staticor an instance function(non static), in which case, a living instance is required to call the function. The return type of the function can be anything (including...
Clear Command After Execution: if enabled, the command input field at the bottom of the console window will automatically be cleared after entering a command. If you want to spam a command, or make small tweaks to the previous command without having to write the whole command again, then des...
Use one of the DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( string command, string description, System.Action method ) variants: using UnityEngine; using IngameDebugConsole; public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { DebugLogConsole.AddCommand( "destroy", "Destroys " + name, Destroy ); DebugLog...