Finding a Place for Discount Usability Engineering in Agile Development: Throwing Down the Gauntlet Many software development organizations are reporting great success with agile software development techniques. However, few techniques explicitly incorpor... D Kane - Agile Development Conference 被引量: 91...
we discovered that (a) agile teams use three knowledge management strategies: discussions, artifacts and visualisations to manage knowledge (b) there are three types of software engineering knowledge: team progress as project knowledge; requirements as product knowledge; and coding techniques as process...
This is how we usually evaluate user value in agile development: not using an absolute quotation, but by sorting stories. When the PO finds it difficult, classic techniques liketee-shirt sizingcan help. To my mind, the best technique is to ask the PO to choose which stories should be in ...
A well-structured graph of dependencies among the parts of an application is essential to an agile development, as it allows the program to be changed easily when the users’ needs change. Through multiple increments, however, it is easy for developers to lose sight of the original design. A...
More recently, "post-agile" techniques seem to favor releasing early over quality. Pressure for low cost, rapid development and to code for new features leads to the allocation of resources to software development tasks preferably rather than to quality control. Such practices may put the responsib...
Just as the Agile development methodology breaks down larger elements of feature development into smaller, more manageable pieces (such as user stories, tasks, and technical requirements), an Agile testing methodology breaks down larger testing elements into smaller, more specific tests with a narrower...
Based on our experience with the recovery and modernisation of legacy applications [38,41], we evolved an agile MDE re-engineering approach (AMDRE), using iterations of steps 1 to 4 of Fig.1on parts of a source system. This approach uses grammar-based techniques requiring only a basic leve...
All of the projects we studied reported many benefits from using agile development techniques. Groups reported improved quality, flexibility, and maintainability. Developers were happier with these practices because they made the dynamic nature of the field more manageable. Because the projects we ...
The workshops are designed to provide hands-on warfighter immersion into emerging processes, concepts and capabilities combined with facilitated discussions to develop and/or refine CONOPS and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures. We highlight some of the capabilities provided, techniques used, challenges ...
What is Crystal?We will discuss what makes Crystal method different from other Agile methods. Additionally, we will talk about how it got designed, the reasons behind it, in detail. The Crystal family:Alistair believed that one-size-doesn't-fit-all. In other words, it means that one method...