目前列入敏捷方法的有: 软件开发之韵,Software Development Rhythms 敏捷数据库技术,AD/Agile Database Techniques 敏捷建模,AM/Agile Modeling 自适应软件开发,ASD/Adaptive Software Development 水晶方法,Crystal 特性驱动开发,FDD/Feature Driven Development 动态系统开发方法,DSDM/Dynamic Systems Development Method 精益...
Agile software development techniques are being adopted within the majority of organizations around the world and are now being applied "at scale" in very complex situations. This presentation overviews agile software development, shares data from a recent industry survey as to the adoption rate of ...
My Agile developer certification courses will heighten workplace morale, increase job satisfaction, improve performance, and help your group of developers coalesce into a highly productive team. I can show you critical techniques used by successful Agile developers that will lay the foundation for break...
Implementation Techniques(实施技术)(428) 3. The STATE Pattern(状态模式)(433) 4. Where Should State Machines Be Used?(状态机应该用在哪里?)(439) 5. High-Level Application Policies for GUIs(GUI 的高级应用程序策略)(439) 6. Conclusion(结论)(441) 7. Listings(列表)(441) 3. The ETS ...
s done with development on a given story. Given both of these situations, you’d think we’d be a bit more rigorous with how we write our stories to make sure it’s clear to both developers and testers what needs to be tested. In this article, we look at some simple tech...
You will also know agile decision making techniques. Agile vs. Waterfall: Quick Comparison Many development companies are moving towards Agile processes and moving away from the predictive, Waterfall methodology when developing software. By embracing agile project management, companies can enhance their ...
Free scrum learning guide for all scrum teams. Learn about agile software development. More free scrum resources are available.
•Buildingsoftwaresystemsrequirescommunicatingsystemrequirementstothedevelopersofthesystem.Informalsoftwaredevelopmentmethodologies,thistaskisaccomplishedthroughdocumentation.Extremeprogrammingtechniquescanbeviewedasmethodsfor rapidlybuildinganddisseminating散播institutionalknowledgeamongmembersofadevelopmentteam.Thegoalistogiveall...
I can help your team master the technical practices of Agile software development quickly so they are productive with these techniques immediately. I’ll expose your team to best practices and systems that will hugely improve the quality and efficiency of their work. Benefits Everyone on the team...
Lately, there has been an increasing interest in applying agile methods for software development. Practices like test driven development (TDD), continuous integration (CI), highly iterative development cycles, daily team meetings, use of wikis, and others are some of the techniques that support what...