IMU-CET is a Computer based CET exam consisting of 200 Multiple choice questions. Exam duration is of 3 hours. Each question carries one mark .There is no negative marking for wrong answers. IMU-CET Entrance pattern/Question paper of UG programme consists of : ...
CET books , IMU CET Study Materials Pdf, IMU-CET SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER -2024 , IMU CET Question Bank, IMU-CET Study Materials. Merchant navy aspirants can order Preparatory Study Materials, 2imu-Question Bank , 2IMU- Company Sponsorship Guide, Mock Test paper, 2imu-1000 Question, 2imu- ...
Candidates should go through the IMU CET Syllabus and Exam Pattern to know the exam structure, questions type, marking scheme, and types of topics asked in the question paper so that they can commence the preparation accordingly. Build the Basic Concepts The next IMU CET Preparation Tip is th...