P85【085】pal reading_ developing fluency and comprehension with paired reading 01:40 P86【086】partner reading_ developing reading fluency 01:09 P87【087】poetry club_ practicing fluency and expression 02:41 P88【088】practicing being a good reader_ using success criteria in kindergarten (vir 00...
Predicting ELL students' beginning first grade English oral reading fluency from initial kindergarten vocabulary, letter naming, and phonological awareness... The precursors of early English reading success have been widely studied for native English-speaking students, and those findings have been generaliz...
reading fluency of Saudi kindergarten's children. The present study attempted to answer whether there was a statistically significant difference (伪=0.05) between the Saudi children's subjects' mean score on the English reading fluency test due to using Word Wall activities in Kindergarten or not....
Two schools using the same reading program were selected for the study. The 125 kindergarten children attending these schools were screened for letter naming fluency. The low scoring individuals in each school were randomly assigned either to a treatment or control group for the study. Pretesting ...
ClickN READ Phonics teaches the entire kindergarten to 3rd grade phonics curriculum taught at USA public schools through 100 interactive cartoon animated online phonics lessons. Children learn English correctly in a phonics game-like environment that is great fun and easy to use. ...
If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow! GET YOUR COPY TODAY! SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW IN ITUNES Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do ...
Assessing spelling in kindergarten: Further comparison of scoring metrics and their relation to reading skills kindergarten, and measures of phonological awareness, decoding, word recognition, and reading fluency were administered concurrently and at the end of first ... Nathan,H.,Clemens,... - 《Jo...
Reading SkillsAt Risk StudentsKindergartenReading ImprovementScoresIn this article, multiple-baseline across participants designs were used to evaluate the impact of a precision teaching (PT) program, within a Tier 2 Response to Intervention framework, targeting fluency in foundational reading skills with ...
AlShaiji, OhoudAlSaleem, BasmaEducationAlShaiji, O., & AlSaleem, B. (2014). The Impact of Word Walls on Improving the English Reading Fluency of Saudi Kindergarten's Children. Education, 135(1), 39-50.
(2002). Summary of decision rules for intensive, strategic, and benchmark instructional recommendations in kindergarten through third grade (Technical Report No. 11). Eugene: University of Oregon. Google Scholar Greatschools.net. (2005). Internet site: http://www.greatschools.net (Accessed July ...