Learning easy words to spell in kindergarten provides basic decoding practice, which will eventually lead to greater automaticity and fluency. Spelling lists with CVC words form a strong foundation for moving on to consonant blends, digraphs, long vowels, and more complex patterns. Reading Skills Gai...
This study examined the development of beginning writing skills in kindergarten and the relationship between early writing skills and early reading skills. Sixty children were assessed on beginning writing skills (including letter writing, individual sound spelling, and real and nonsense word spelling) ...
(2007). Regarding achievement, first grade students enrolled in SFA schools since kindergarten significantly outperformed comparable students in control group schools on two measures of phonetic and decoding skills. However, these students in SFA schools did not outperform their counterparts in control ...
The activities, books, and resource suggestions (including a FREE one) cover many number sense concepts and are perfect for Kindergarten and first grade. Plus, find valuable number sense materials, manipulative suggestions, and freebies you can access today! Table of Contents Building Number Sense ...
Songs like "Going Over the Sea" and "Dem Bones" help students in kindergarten through fifth grade perfect English skills and learn numbers, history and the human body. Mark Mena, who coaches at Alamo Elementary School, said his students are learning new things every day. "Our students are ...
Results over 3 years indicated the following: (a) teachers did implement new evidence-based practices; (b) use of these practices with kindergarten and first-grade cohorts was associated with larger slopes in silent reading in second grade, a common point in time, compared to an older third-...