This paper develops a general framework for conducting inference on the rank of an unknown matrix Π0. A defining feature of our setup is the null hypothesis of the form H0:rank(Π0)≤r. The problem is of first﹐rder importance because the previous literature focuses on H0′:rank(Π0)=...
I'll start my description of a tiling window manager by asking a question: Have you ever used window snapping on your desktop? Window snapping is when you are able to move an application to either the right or left edge of the screen, and the desktop interface automatically "snaps" t...
we select a subset of the model’s filters to be temporarily dropped. After additional training of the reduced network, we reintroduce the previously dropped filters, initialized with new weights, and continue standard training. We observe that following the reintroduction ...
Large-scale RNAi screens for cancer dependencies have recently been performed by multiple groups1,2,3, providing systematic assessments of the effects of single-gene knockdown on cell viability, across a wide range of well-characterized cancer cell lines that are beginning to reflect the diversity o...
(Fig.1band Supplementary Fig.2). The inferred TF regulons can subsequently be applied to suitably matched scRNA-Seq data in a linear regression framework26(“Methods”) to estimate regulatory activity for each single cell. By using the actual regulon of the TF, this inference should be robust...
inference resulting in greatly improved cell clustering, cell type and activity detection, and insights into the cellular regulation of disease. we show that discern is robust against differences between batches and is able to keep biological differences between batches, which is a common problem for...
SBR computes a solution to the inference problem, i.e. deciding the truth value of all target predicates, that maximizes both the confidence of individual predicates and the amount of satisfaction of all constraints. Informally, the optimal assignment to all predicates, i.e. the binding state of...
The data-driven inference of intracellular networks is one of the key challenges of computational and systems biology. As suggested by recent works, a simple yet effective approach for reconstructing regulatory networks comprises the following two steps.
Vehicle re-identification (re-id) aims to solve the problems of matching and identifying the same vehicle under the scenes across multiple surveillance cameras. For public security and intelligent transportation system (ITS), it is extremely important to
establishes state-of-the-art lightweight SR. main contributions 2. Related Work N-Gram.在语言模型( Language Model,LM )中,N - Gram是一个连续的字符或单词序列。N的大小通常设置为2或3 [ 52 ]。考虑句子中语境跨度较长的N - Gram LM在过去的统计中运行良好。甚至一些深度学习LM仍然采用了NGram。Sent...