Let El be a blog and Aεℳnn a square matrix. We say that A is right or left column-regular if the columns of A are right or left SLI respectively. And we make corresponding dual definitions in the obvious way.Page %P Close Plain text Look Inside Other actions Export citation ...
Lecture 2 The rank of a matrix rank tests for the 2 times;2 design with i blocks LTE网络RANK2占比优化 THE TRAUMA OF BIRTH - Otto Rank DB2 Rank()函数的使用方法 Rank新媒体监测 Rank filtering秩滤波 Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval DDR5 1RANK RGB UDIMM内存模组 Rank of the Partitio...
Daykin D. E.Oxford University PressJournal of the London Mathematical SocietyDaykin, D.E.: On the Rank of the Matrix f(A) and the Enumeration of Certain Matrices over a Finite Field. Journal of the London Mathematical Society s1-35(1), 36–42 (1960)...
Define the weight of a matrix to be the number of non-zero entries. One would like to count $m$ by $n$ matrices over a finite field by their weight and rank. This is equivalent to determining the probability distribution of the weight while conditioning on the rank. The complete answer...
Tian, Y.: Characterizing relationships between estimations under a general linear model with explicit and implicit restrictions by rank of matrix. Commun. Stat. Theory Methods 41, 2588-2601 (2012)Tian, Y., 2012. Characterizing relationships between estimations under a general linear model with ...
We review some recent approaches to robust approximations of low-rank data matrices. We consider the problem of estimating a low-rank mean matrix when the data matrix is subject to measurement errors as well as gross outliers in some of its entries. The purpose of the paper is to make vario...
We determine analytically the condition number of the PageRank problem. Specifically, we prove the following statement: $P$ be an $n imes n$ row-stochastic matrix whose diagonal elements $P_{ii}=0$. Let $c$ be a real number such that $0 leq c < 1$. Let $E$ be the $n imes n...
C++ implementation of thePageRankalgorithm (Google) by Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page and theHITSalgorithm (Ask.com) by Jon Kleinberg, that uses aCSR(Compressed Sparse Row) matrix andmmapto minimize memory usage. This script computes the top-k nodes based on the rankings of the two algorithms,...