Landraces are important genetic resources that have a significant role in maintaining the long-term sustainability of traditional agro-ecosystems, food, nutrition, and livelihood security. In an effort to document landraces in the on-farm conservation co
The main objective of the present review is to report some of the current research and future development regarding the importance of plant extracts in agriculture. In particular, this review explores three important topics: i) methods of extraction of the plant biomass; ii) chemical composition of...
Lignin, as the abundant carbon polymer, is essential for carbon cycle and biorefinery. Microorganisms interact to form communities for lignin biodegradation, yet it is a challenge to understand such complex interactions. Here, we develop a coastal lignin
Movement was characterised with least-cost paths, and the importance of links and patches to connectivity was quantified using a graph theoretic approach (Foltête et al. 2012). We compared the least-cost paths modelled with and without scattered trees. In addition, the importance of protected ...
Discuss the importance and benefits of breast milk to infants. Explain the importance of food security in agriculture. Explain the importance of macronutrients for maintaining proper health, and give some examples of healthy food sources for macronutrients. ...
Research areas directly associated with meat production and also soils/fertilisers were of a high perceived importance, presumably reflecting the contribution of meat to farm income in addition to the importance of soils and soil fertility in enabling pasture production and maintaining asset value....
(figure 1). with services contributing more to output, the corresponding contributions of industry and agriculture to gdp declined; the share of manufacturing fell the most during this period. 3 figure 1 link to figure 1 (copy) a country-wise analysis of services’ contribution to total ...
Results: The value of NGS read preprocessing is demonstrated for both reference-based and reference-free tasks. Trimmomatic is shown to produce output that is at least competitive with, and in many cases superior to, that produced by other tools, in all scenarios tested. Availability and ...
In addition, Maxent also identified areas with low percentage of tree cover (< 10% tree cover), and those with a rainfall index of 460–600 mm/year as more risky (Table 4 and Appendix 1). The ENFA and Maxent algorithms concurred in suggesting that proximity to rivers was the main ...
To investigate whether low abundant non-degraders affect the growth and lignin degradation of LD consortium, The four ASVs were targeted. ThePluralibacterASV1, which harbored 96 lignin-degrading gene families and occupied the majority of LD, was first selected. In addition, three potential non-degr...