Importance of RNA isolation methods for analysis of exosomal RNA: evaluation of different methods. MolImmunol. 2012 Apr;50(4):278-86.Eldh M, Lotvall J, Malmhall C, et al. Importance of RNA isolation methods for analysis of exosomal RNA: evalua- tion of different methods. Mol Immunol. ...
The procedures required for the isolation and proliferation of exosomes, along with their bioactive and cell-specific components are important steps for the characterization of exosomes and their potential diagnostic and prognostic value [109]. Several different methods and protocols for the isolation, se...
Observations on the incidence and importance of\\\r Trypanosoma theileri\\\r in Nigeria A new protocol for the isolation of RNA from Rhodococcus and other actinomycetes such as Mycobacterium and Amycolatopsis was developed. The method is based... AR Gray,J Nixon - 《Annals of Tropical Medicine...
Here, the role of an rel competence-related regulator (RcrR) in the regulation of multiple sugar transportation and biofilm formation is reported. The deletion of the rcrR gene in S. mutans caused delayed growth, decreased biofilm formation ability, and affected the expression level of its ...
Cooling towers are a major source of large community-associated outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, a severe pneumonia. This disease is contracted when inhaling aerosols that are contaminated with bacteria from the genus Legionella, most importantly Leg
A Hungarian colleague, Kurucz, reflected on the hot tub study and then examined messenger RNA (mRNA) of heat shock protein70 (Hsp 70) in skeletal muscle of patients with t2DM, subjects with glucose intolerance, and euglycemic identical twins of subjects with glucose intolerance. All subjects, ...
(Fig.3a) and examination of total cellular RNA, as well as rRNA extracted from the isolated ribosomes, confirmed the absence of free 5S rRNA (Fig.3b, c). Gel electrophoresis also revealed the mobility shift of the large rRNA reflecting the insertion of the 120 ...
“rna-strandness RF.” The expression levels of transcripts in each sample were quantified using RSEM (version 1.3.3) [81], and fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) was calculated. Differential expression analysis was performed using DESeq2 (version 1.22.1) [82...
The inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) by aberrant DNA methylation plays an important role in the development of malignancy. Since this epigenetic change is reversible, it is a potential target for chemotherapeutic intervention using an inhibi
They also found a decreased frequency of sexual intercourse compared to the previous period. The majority of women declared that the reason might be associated with isolation from the partner (41.5%), 39.3% felt a lack of desire caused by stress, and 16% declared that misunderstandings with ...