Importance of gut microbiome regulation for the prevention and recovery process after SARSCoV2 respiratory viral infection (Review)SARS-CoV-2dysbiosisexerciseherbalmicrobiomesupplementInfection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been reported to affect organs ...
This narrative review describes the settlement of the neonatal microbiome during the perinatal period and its importance on human health in the long term. Delivery methods, maternal diet, antibiotic exposure, feeding practices, and early infant contact significantly shape microbial colonization, influencing...
Amato K. Co-evolution in context: the importance of studying gut microbiomes in wild animals. Microbiome Sci Med. 2013;1(1):10-29.Amato KR (2013) Co-evolution in context: the importance of study- ing gut microbiomes in wild animals. Microbiome Sci Med. doi:10.2478/micsm-2013-0002...
D. Analysis of the human gut microbiome and association with disease. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 11, 774–777 (2013). PubMed Google Scholar Hyland, N. P., Quigley, E. M. & Brint, E. Microbiota–host interactions in irritable bowel syndrome: epithelial barrier, immune regulation and ...
Mayer, E. A., Savidge, T. & Shulman, R. J. Brain–gut microbiome interactions and functional bowel disorders.Gastroenterology146, 1500–1512 (2014). CASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Tanaka, al. Biopsychosocial model of irritable bowel syndrome.J. Neurogastroenterol. Motil.17, 131–...
Recent technological advancements including metagenomics sequencing and metabolomics have allowed the discovery of critical functions of gut microbiota in obesity, malnutrition, neurological disorders, asthma, and xenobiotic metabolism. Classification of the human gut microbiome into distinct "enterotypes" has be...
we have char- acterized the total microbiome in stool samples of infants dur- ing the first year of life, demonstrating that a low gut microbial diversity during the first month of life precedes the develop- ment atopic eczema and asthma in children at 2 (12) and 7 y of age, respectivel...
Accurate classification of host phenotypes from microbiome data is crucial for advancing microbiome-based therapies, with machine learning offering effective solutions. However, the complexity of the gut microbiome, data sparsity, compositionality, and p
The Importance of Gut Health Before I had kids, I didn’t think much about gut health or why it is so important. As a child, I had a ton of stomach issues and there was no explanation for my constant pain. I also had anxiety, and I have since learned so much about the brain and...
Gut microbiota and allergy: the importance of the pregnancy period. Pediatr Res. 2015;77:214-219.Abrahamsson TR, Wu RY, Jenmalm MC (2015) Gut microbiota and allergy: The importance of the pregnancy period. Pediatr Res 77: 214-219.