areas of learning in the EYFS, joining Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development, these three areas are particularly important for the learning development of the under threes, this will Secure the foundations for future success in all aspects of their life and ...
Understand The Importance Of Holistic Development Forholisticdevelopmentwe mean to the humandevelopmentthat is involve all the part of a person and it’s designed to accommodate all the area ofdevelopmentof a child. Such as communication and language‚ physicaldevelopmentand personal‚ social and ...
education. England has the curriculum for children aged 0-5years; this applies to child-minders as well as after-School clubs‚ as well of Nurseries‚ Pre-Schools‚ and Schools. The areas of development are personal‚ social and emotional development‚ Communication language and literacy...