Learning and development 学习与发展 3、七大领域目标 Communication and language交流与语言发展 Listening and attention倾听与注意力 Understanding 理解力 Speaking 说 Physical development身体发展 Moving and handling运动与操作能力 Health and self-care身体健康与自理能力 Personal, social and emotional development个人...
Communication and language development: learning Thanksgiving sign language dance and song. Learning to call other children's English names. Finding the people at the kindergarten who help us every day and showing our gratitude. Exercising language logic and expression ability. 社交情感:学会解决社交中...
Communication & Language Development 沟通交流和语言发展 Communication and language development: To experience a rich language environment, to develop confidence and skills in expressing themselves, to speak and listen in a range of situations. 交流和语言的发展包含以下几个方面: 在拥有丰富的语言教学环境中...
illustrating their ideas on paper and sharing them with their peers. Once a consensus was reached, every one stamped their fingerprints, signifying their commitment. We also delved into our schoolwork and better understood the classroom helpers’ roles and...
Because of research Physical development is part of the three prime areas of learning in the EYFS, joining Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development, these three areas are particularly important for the learning development of the under threes, this will Secure the fou...
Communication and Language Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design The first three areas of development are known as the prime areas, meaning without sound development of these areas, children may find it difficult to develop in the remaining four areas. Throu...
LearningandDevelopment Theareasoflearninganddevelopment:3primeareas •3Primeareas(crucialforignitingchildren’scuriosityandenthusiasmforlearningandforbuildingtheircapacitytolearn,formrelationshipsandthrive):CommunicationandlanguagePhysicaldevelopmentPersonal,socialandemotionaldevelopment CommunicationandLanguage...
1.CommunicationandLanguage ListeningandAttention Earlylearninggoal–listeningandattention Childrenlistenattentivelyinarangeofsituations.Theylistentostories,accuratelyanticipating keyeventsandrespondtowhattheyhearwithrelevantcomments,questionsoractions.They givetheirattentiontowhatotherssayandrespondappropriately,whileengagedin...
In your child’sNursery year, they will start building the foundations for learning that they’ll need in Reception and onwards. One of the ‘prime areas’ of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, which includes Nursery) is communication and language. Within this are the literacy...
can not only give full play to children's imagination, practise their communication and language ability, and experience the fun of cooking, but also cultivate children's sense of cooperation, help children establish partnership, exercise small muscles, and promote the coordination of hands and feet...