python So I decided to create an executable of it with pyinstaller and at first everything seemed to go well, the program's interface opens perfectly, but when it gets to the part where it appears that it uses netCDF4, which is the part that reads .nc4 files, some kind o...
...使用 data_to_table() 函数将 netCDF 文件中的数据转换为表格格式。使用 export_to_csv() 函数将表格格式的数据导出到 *.csv 文件。...示例:import xarray as xr# 打开 netCDF 文件dataset = xr.open_dataset('path/to/')# 导出数据到 csv 文件...export_to_csv(dataset, 'var_...
As shown here the files seems to be matched during migration and the history gets indeed rewritten at commit [...] however when I checkout that commit I don't see the LFS pointer, but instead I still see the entire binary data. You are correct in saying that the issue is likely to ...
NC Network Common Data Form (netCDF) SeeNetCDF Files SeeNetCDF Files Image data BMP Windows Bitmap imread imwrite GIF Graphics Interchange Format HDF Hierarchical Data Format JPEG JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group JP2 JPF JPX J2C J2K
# Python version 3.7# import_metadata==5.0.0importxarrayasxrimportnumpyasnpdata=xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(10,20) )data.to_netcdf('')xr.load_dataarray('') MVCE confirmation Minimal example — the example is as focused as reasonably possible to demonstrate the underlying iss...
(0.04264857) scipy/stats/tests/ in check_cdf_ppf npt.assert_almost_equal(distfn.cdf(distfn.ppf(values, *arg), *arg), arg = (2.3098496451481823, 0.6268795430096368) distfn = <scipy.stats._continuous_distns.beta_gen object at 0x11cef1850> msg = 'beta' values...