/Users/ogi/Repositories/IMS/IMS_v2/packages/imsdoctools/node_modules/lodash-es/merge.js:1 import baseMerge from './_baseMerge.js'; ^^^ SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1116:16) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/...
Then just import it from your Ember app code: import{capitalize}from'lodash-es'; There is no step two. Works from both app code and test code. Dynamic Import In addition to static top-levelimportstatements, you can use dynamicimport()to lazily load your dependencies. This can be great fo...
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: C:\kit\node_modules\lodash-es\lodash.js require() of ES modules is not supported. require() of C:\kit\node_modules\lodash-es\lodash.js from C:\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js is ...
//这个配置告诉 babel-plugin-import 自动将类似 import { Button } from '@arco-design/web-react';的导入语句转换为按需导入的形式,并且加载对应的 CSS 文件。 //业务中使用 import{Button}from'@arco-design/web-react'; //将被bable编译成 importButtonfrom'@arco-design/web-react/es/button'; import'@...
使用了lodash,却没有引用lodash的检测规则 Installation You'll first need to installESLint: npm i eslint --save-dev Next, installeslint-plugin-require-lodash-import: npm install eslint-plugin-require-lodash-import --save-dev Usage Addrequire-lodash-importto the plugins section of your.eslintrc...
import_from'lodash';console.log(_.uniq([1,1,3]));// 👉️ [1, 3] When you import local files with thetypeattribute set tomodule, you must include the.jsextension. Here is an example of a file calledanother-file.jsthat exports asumfunction. ...
https://developer.aliyun.com/profile/5yerqm5bn5yqg?spm=a2c6h.12873639.0.0.6eae304abcjaIB ...
lazystream "^1.0.0" lodash.isequal "^4.0.0" merge-stream "^1.0.0" mkdirp "^0.5.0" object-assign "^4.0.0" readable-stream "^2.0.4" strip-bom "^2.0.0" strip-bom-stream "^1.0.0" through2 "^2.0.0" through2-filter "^2.0.0" ...
ESLint docs建议您可以将配置对象传递给RuleTester构造函数。