import { camelCase } from "lodash-es" const requireModule = require.context("./folderName", false, /\.ts$/) interface LooseObject { [key: string]: any } const api: LooseObject = {} requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => { if (fileName === "./index.ts")...
lodash include=each,find,filter,map,some,debounce,defer,delay,throttle,uniq,assign,extend,merge,omit,without,findIndex,compact,replace,groupBy,max,uniqueId When I try to import in es modules, I get a warning like this: Bundled and transpiled successfully, but with warnings: The '...
//这个配置告诉 babel-plugin-import 自动将类似 import { Button } from '@arco-design/web-react';的导入语句转换为按需导入的形式,并且加载对应的 CSS 文件。 //业务中使用 import{Button}from'@arco-design/web-react'; //将被bable编译成 importButtonfrom'@arco-design/web-react/es/button'; import'@...
import { queryList, addUser } from '@/api/home.js'; //引用home.js中的变量或函数或类(export) import * as alias from 'vue-router'; // 加载整个模块(export), import _, { each, forEach } from 'lodash'; //引入默认方法和其他接口 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
but I get the following error: /Users/ogi/Repositories/IMS/IMS_v2/packages/imsdoctools/node_modules/lodash-es/merge.js:1 import baseMerge from './_baseMerge.js'; ^^^ SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1116:16) at Module...
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: C:\kit\node_modules\lodash-es\lodash.js require() of ES modules is not supported. require() of C:\kit\node_modules\lodash-es\lodash.js from C:\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js is ...
You have settoin yourbut use the CommonJS require syntax in your code. I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ...
getPluginState方法在 Step1 中已经进行过说明。关于 import 的 AST 节点结构用 babel-plugin 实现按需加载中有详细说明,本文不再赘述。执行完毕后 pluginState 结构如下 // 例: import { Input, Button as Btn } from 'antd'{ ... importPluginState0: {...
I had this same issue but withlodash-es. To fix it, I added this to the nuxt.config.js build object: build: { transpile: [ 'lodash-es' ], } So if you add the packages to the transpile array hopefully it should work. stalebotadded thestalelabelApr 16, 2022 ...
import { useAntdTable, useBoolean, useRequest, useSetState } from 'ahooks' import { Button, Card, Col, DatePicker, Form, Row, Space, Table } from 'antd' import type { ColumnsType, ColumnType } from 'antd/es/table'; import { get, reduce, toNumber } from 'lodash' import moment, {...